DCR Resources

Explore Our Resources of Fact Sheets, Reports, Model Policies, and More

DCR Resources

View our library of resources including public trainings, fact sheets, civil rights reports, laws and regulations, model policies, and more.

Learn How to File A Complaint

Do you have questions about how to file a civil rights complaint? Do you have questions about our case investigation process? Visit this page to learn more here.

Civil Rights Trainings

We offer training aimed at preventing and addressing discrimination. Our interactive sessions educate participants about their rights and responsibilities under the laws we enforce. All trainings are currently being offered for FREE to the public. To learn more about our trainings visit this page.

Division Investigations

DCR eliminates and prevents individual and systemic discrimination through investigations and enforcement. To learn more about our work in these areas visit our Investigations page.

Laws, Regulations & Guidance

To access the text of the laws enforced by DCR, the regulations associated with these laws and guidance that provide instruction on how to apply laws and regulations, please visit this page.

Fact Sheets & Reports

Our fact sheets and reports offer overviews of different issues protected under our civil rights laws like hair discrimination, disability accomodations, youth bias prevention, the rise of white supremacy in our state and much more. To access these materials, visit this page.

Required Posters

On August 1, 2022, the New Jersey Division on Civil Rights (DCR) adopted new and amended regulations concerning the “Display of Official Posters of the Division on Civil Rights,” which require employers, housing providers, and places of public accommodation to prominently display “in places easily visible” to those who may be affected by violations of these laws, posters created by DCR to better inform individuals and covered entities of their rights and obligations under the New Jersey Law Against Discrimination (NJLAD) and Family Leave Act (NJFLA). (N.J.A.C. 13:8-1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5 and 2.2).
All official posters of the Division are available for downloading and printing, or at any of the Division’s offices. Any poster printed from the Division’s website shall be printed on no smaller than letter size paper (8½ by 11 inches) and contain text that is fully legible and large enough to be easily read. View and download our posters.

Other Resources

Director's Findings
Findings of Probable Cause – After concluding an investigation, the DCR Director is required to determine whether probable cause exists to credit a complainant’s allegation of discrimination. Probable cause for purposes of LAD analysis has been described as a reasonable ground for suspicion supported by facts and circumstances strong enough to warrant a cautious person to believe that the law was violated and that the matter should proceed to hearing.

Here are some examples of recent findings of probable cause issued by the DCR Director:

Director's Orders

Final Determinations

An administrative law judge presides over a hearing and then issues an initial recommendation to the DCR Director. The DCR Director will thoroughly review the record and any post-hearing arguments submitted by the parties, and then issue his/her final determination. That final determination will either accept, reject, or modify the findings of fact and conclusions of law contained in the administrative law judge’s initial recommendation.

Here are some examples of recent final determinations issued by the DCR Director:

Attorney General's Letter to Property Owners

Download the Attorney General’s official letter to property owners regarding the Law Against Discrimination and the Fair Chance in Housing Act, last updated in December of 2021. Per Real Estate Commission regulations, this letter must be distributed by licensed real estate brokers when signing listing agreements with property owners.


Frequently Asked Questions

COVID-19 FAQ & Resources

Monkeypox FAQ

New Jersey Family Leave Act (NJFLA) FAQ:   Online | PDF

Media & Images/Graphics

Please click here for videos and downloadable images/graphics.

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