Press Releases : Motor Vehicle Commission

Human Services, Office of the Attorney General & Motor Vehicle Commission Announce Efforts to Assist Law Enforcement when Interacting with Residents with Autism & Communication Disorders

Human Services Commissioner Sarah Adelman, Attorney General Matthew J. Platkin, and Acting Motor Vehicle Commission Chief Administrator Latrecia Littles-Floyd today announced new efforts underway to assist law enforcement officers to communicate effectively and avoid misunderstandings during encounters with individuals who have autism spectrum disorder (ASD) or a communication disorder.

ICYMI: CHOP and NJ HTS Launch New Website Dedicated to Promoting Traffic Safety

“Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP)’s New Jersey Safety and Health Outcomes (NJ-SHO) Center for Integrated Data and the New Jersey Division of Highway Traffic Safety (HTS) are pleased to announce the launch of, a website that features an interactive data dashboard that enables users to visualize, monitor, and track important traffic safety measures across communities and over time.”

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