Matthew J. Platkin, Attorney General

Press Releases : Indictment

AG: Former Investigator for NJ Victims of Crime Compensation Office Indicted After Allegedly Sending Sexually Explicit and Other Texts to Crime Victims

Attorney General Matthew J. Platkin and the Office of Public Integrity and Accountability (OPIA) announced that a former investigator for the New Jersey Victims of Crime Compensation Office (VCCO) has been indicted after allegedly exploiting his official position to send messages solicitous of an intimate relationship, sexually-suggestive messages, or sexually-explicit messages to crime victims who were seeking VCCO support.

AG Platkin: Suspended Bergen County Prosecutor’s Office Lieutenant Indicted After He Allegedly Removed and Tampered with Drugs Held in the Evidence Vault

Attorney General Matthew J. Platkin and the Office of Public Integrity and Accountability (OPIA) announced a state grand jury has indicted a suspended Bergen County Prosecutor’s Office (BCPO) lieutenant after he allegedly removed and tampered with drug evidence, including cocaine and fentanyl, on multiple occasions.

Twenty People Charged with Racketeering in Connection with North Jersey Opioid Mill

Attorney General Matthew J. Platkin and the Division of Criminal Justice announced a 53-count state grand jury indictment charging 20 people for their alleged roles in operating opioid mills in North Jersey.

AG Platkin Announces Indictment of Six Correctional Police Officers Stemming from Aggravated Assault of Inmate at Youth Correctional Facility in Chesterfield

Attorney General Matthew J. Platkin and the Office of Public Integrity and Accountability (OPIA) announced a state grand jury has voted to file charges against six correctional police officers in connection with the 2020 assault of an inmate at the New Jersey Department of Corrections’ (DOC) Garden State Youth Correctional Facility in Burlington County.

AG Platkin: Campaign Manager Sentenced for Efforts to Fraudulently Place Candidate on Ballot in 2021 Primary for N.J. Governor

Attorney General Matthew J. Platkin and the Office of Public Integrity and Accountability (OPIA) today announced the sentencing of a campaign manager from Hunterdon County for attempting to fraudulently place a candidate on the Democratic primary ballot in the New Jersey governor’s race in 2021.

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