Mar 28, 2025 | 50 states and territories | Alaska | Apotex | Arizona | artificially inflate and manipulate prices | AUROBINDO PHARMA USA INC. | California | Colorado | Connecticut | Conspiracy to Inflate Drug Prices | DCA | Delaware | Division of Consumer Affairs | Division of Law | Florida | generic drug manufacturer | generic prescription drugs | Georgia | Heritage Pharmaceuticals | Idaho | Illinois | Inc. | Indiana | Iowa | Kansas | Kentucky | Limit Competition | Louisiana | Maine | Maryland | Massachusetts | Michigan | Minnesota | Mississippi | Missouri | Montana | Nebraska | Nevada | New Hampshire | New Jersey | New Mexico | New York | North Carolina | North Dakota | Northern Mariana Islands | Ohio | Oklahoma | Oregon | Pennsylvania | preliminary approval for a settlement | Puerto Rico | reduce competition | Rhode Island | SANDOZ | Settlement | South Carolina | South Dakota | Tennessee | TEVA PHARMACEUTICALS USA INC. | the District of Columbia | U.S. District Court for the District of Connecticut | U.S. Virgin Islands | unreasonably restrain trade | Utah | Vermont | Virginia | Washington | West Virginia | widespread long-running conspiracies | Wisconsin | Wyoming. | Division of Consumer Affairs | Division of Law | Press Release | Protecting New Jersey Consumers | Protecting New Jersey in Court
Attorney General Matthew J. Platkin is urging consumers to check their eligibility for compensation for certain generic drug purchases as New Jersey joins 50 states and territories in seeking preliminary approval for a $39.1 million settlement with generic drug manufacturer Apotex over conspiracy to inflate prices and limit competition.
Oct 22, 2024 | (WCPA) | AB Trading Enterprises and 959- 961 Clinton Avenue Associates | Administrative Orders and Notices of Civil Administrative Penalty Assessments (AONOCAPAs) | Clinton Avenue Associates hazardous substances | Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) | enforce environmental law | Enforcement Actions | environmental justice (EJ) settlement | Environmental Justice Enforcement Actions | four lawsuits | Hawk's Auto | Inc. | Irvington | limited English proficiency populations | Long Branch | low-income | minority | New Jersey’s Environmental Justice Law | Newark | overburdened communities | residential neighborhood | Rivers Edge Mall | Sharlin Properties LLC | Solid Waste Management Act (SWMA) | Trenton | Water Pollution Control Act | Yer Gas | DD-EnvironmentalJustice | Department of Environmental Protection | Environmental Justice | Press Release | Securing Environmental Justice
New Jersey Attorney General Matthew J. Platkin and Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) Commissioner Shawn M. LaTourette announced one environmental justice (EJ) settlement as well as the filing of four lawsuits to enforce environmental law in and around communities considered overburdened under New Jersey’s Environmental Justice Law.