Mar 18, 2025 | civil lawsuit | Consent Order | East Hanover | Firearms | Gun Store | guns | Lawsuit | Legislature | mass shootings | person prohibited from possessing a firearm | Point Blank Guns and Ammo LLC | Statewide Affirmative Firearms Enforcement Office | Unlawful Sales | Unverified Buyers | valid firearms card or permit | Combating Gun Violence | Press Release | Statewide Affirmative Firearms Enforcement (SAFE) Office
Attorney General Matthew J. Platkin announced the court-ordered settlement of a civil lawsuit against licensed firearms retailer Point Blank Guns and Ammo LLC for repeatedly selling gun-related products to undercover investigators without the buyer demonstrating that they could lawfully possess a firearm.
Jan 24, 2025 | corruption profiteering penalties | crashes | drug problems | East Hanover | East Orange-based F&A Transportation Inc. | Essex County Criminal Division | Essex County School Bus Company | false representation for a government contract | improper licenses | New Jersey Superior Court | Office of Public Integrity and Accountability | Official Misconduct | OPIA | pretrial intervention program | prison | risking the lives of children | Sentencing | Tampering with public records or information | Unqualified Drivers | Office of Public Integrity and Accountability | Press Release | Public Integrity
Attorney General Matthew J. Platkin and the Office of Public Integrity and Accountability (OPIA) announced the sentencing of the owner of an Essex County-based school bus company that failed to perform drug tests and background checks on drivers — one of whom later crashed — as well as operating unsafe buses and trying to cover up the misconduct.