Press Releases : East Hanover

AG Platkin Announces Consent Order Resolving Suit Against Gun Store For Unlawful Sales to Unverified Buyers

Attorney General Matthew J. Platkin announced the court-ordered settlement of a civil lawsuit against licensed firearms retailer Point Blank Guns and Ammo LLC for repeatedly selling gun-related products to undercover investigators without the buyer demonstrating that they could lawfully possess a firearm.

Essex School Bus Company Owner Gets Five Years in Prison for Hiring Unqualified Drivers with Criminal Histories, Drug Problems, Improper Licenses

Attorney General Matthew J. Platkin and the Office of Public Integrity and Accountability (OPIA) announced the sentencing of the owner of an Essex County-based school bus company that failed to perform drug tests and background checks on drivers — one of whom later crashed — as well as operating unsafe buses and trying to cover up the misconduct.

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