Statement of Attorney General Gurbir S. Grewal on Today’s U.S. District Court Ruling Upholding the Immigrant Trust Directive

For Immediate Release: January 26, 2021

Office of The Attorney General
– Gurbir S. Grewal, Attorney General

For Further Information:

Media Inquiries-
Steven Barnes
Citizen Inquiries-

Read the Opinion | Read the Immigrant Trust Directive Summary

“Last year, a federal district court correctly held that New Jersey has the authority to draw a clear, bright line between the work of state law enforcement officers and federal civil immigration officers, to help us build trust between New Jersey’s police officers and our diverse immigrant communities. In a misguided attempt to dictate how New Jersey runs its own law enforcement operations, the Trump Administration continued suing us anyway, seeking a holding that invalidated our Immigrant Trust Directive. Today’s judicial decision correctly rejects the Trump Administration’s arguments in United States v. New Jersey, and we hope this is the end of the road for this case. New Jersey has proven that you can be both pro-immigrant and pro-law enforcement, and that federal law does not stand in the way.”
