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Paterson Police Department

Statement from Officer in Charge Isa Abbassi on Overnight Gun Violence in Paterson

Statement from Officer in Charge Isa Abbassi on Overnight Gun Violence in Paterson

For Immediate Release: July 5, 2023

Paterson Police Department
Isa M. Abbassi, Officer-in-Charge

For Further Information:

Media Inquiries-

This incident shows that no city in America is immune from the epidemic of gun violence gripping our nation.  The willingness of individuals to carry and use firearms on our streets is deeply troubling, and an issue we must address together.

The men and women of the Paterson Police Department stand ready to do what is necessary to keep the city of Paterson safe, but we must ensure that we have a holistic approach to gun violence reduction that includes our legislators, courts, community and violence interventionists.

In 2023 Paterson has seen a marked decrease in murders and gun violence – there is still more work to do.”


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