Statement from Attorney General Matthew J. Platkin on Alleged Antisemitic Remarks

For Immediate Release: October 25, 2024

Office of the Attorney General
– Matthew J. Platkin, Attorney General

For Further Information:

Media Inquiries-

“I have seen the public reports of allegations regarding conduct of Lt. Colonel Sean Kilcomons. This conduct, if substantiated, has no place in law enforcement or anywhere in our society. I have recused myself from the investigation into those allegations and I will reserve judgment until that investigation is complete.

But I want to make clear that we must never tolerate antisemitism or bias of any kind. Too often, those in leadership feel comfortable dismissing or ignoring allegations of bias, particularly when the perpetrators hold positions of power. When allegations of bias are met with silence or, worse, reflexively defended by people in power, rather than seriously and swiftly investigated, it sends a clear message to all victims who might consider coming forward: don’t bother.

I have been called many names in my life, including quite a few antisemitic slurs. While I do not obsess over these attacks, I also do not ignore them. Rather than shrug them off, these experiences drive me to redouble my efforts to root out bias and hate of any kind. And while I am disappointed to learn that a law enforcement leader might have chosen to use his position and the privilege of his authority to hurt my son, whom I love more than anything, I will be distraught if we allow him — and millions of kids like him — to grow up in a society where attacking someone for who they are or how they worship is accepted or condoned.”


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