State Office of Victim-Witness Advocacy
Division of Criminal Justice
P.O. Box 085
Trenton, New Jersey 08625
Main Phone: 609-376-2767
Fax: 609-292-5553
Assistance Information
Criminal Justice Orientation and Information
Victim-witness counselors of the county office of victim-witness advocacy will explain the criminal justice system so that victims will know what will happen and when. If asked, victim-witness counselors can take a victim to the courtroom before the trial or grand jury hearing to explain exactly what will happen.
Victim Information and Impact Form
You will have several chances to tell the assistant prosecutor and the judge about how the crime affected you. The county office of victim-witness advocacy will send you a Victim Information and Impact form with the initial contact letter and at other times during the prosecution. County office staff can help you fill out the form and prepare both oral and written statements.
Counseling and Support Services
The county office of victim-witness advocacy staff are trained to help you deal with the initial shock of the crime and the difficult emotional times afterward. If you feel that you would like to talk to someone on a regular basis, the staff can help you find a mental health counselor who may or may not charge you for services. Several county programs sponsor support groups for sexual assault victims, domestic violence victims and homicide survivors. Office staff can also assist victims to find a battered women’s shelter or obtain food and clothing.
The office of victim-witness advocacy will let victims know of specific events in their case and possible delays in proceedings. Sometimes this is done by telephone, but most often notification is done by mail. As a victim, you will receive some or all the following letters depending on your case:
1. An initial contact or introductory letter that informs the victim or witness that the case has been referred to the prosecutor’s office and explains and offers the services available from the county office of victim-witness advocacy.
2. Pre-grand jury remand.
3. Administrative dismissal.
4. Grand jury remand.
5. Grand jury dismissal (no bill).
6. Indictment returned (true bill).
7. Acceptance into Pre-Trial Intervention Program (PTI).
8. Termination from or completion of Pre-Trial Intervention Program.
9. Negotiated plea on all charges.
10. Release on bail/conditions of bail.
11. Fugitive status.
12. Court dismissal.
13. Sentencing date.
14. Sentence imposed on the defendant by the court.
15. Defendant’s filing of an appeal and subsequent status changes.
16. Disposition on all charges.
17. Mistrial/retrial.
18. Mistrial/dismissal.
19. Post-conviction release.
You do not have to wait for the county office of victim-witness advocacy to contact you. If you want to know what is happening with your case, call the county office of victim-witness advocacy and someone will get the information for you.
Court Accompaniment and Transportation Services
When your case comes to trial, staff can go with you to court to explain what is going on as well as give you support. If you are called to testify, you can give the county office of victim-witness advocacy receipts for bus or taxi fare and be reimbursed by the prosecutor’s office. The county office of victim-witness advocacy can also help you with expenses you may have if you are not testifying, but want to be in court.
Child Care to Attend Meetings and Court Proceedings
The county office of victim-witness advocacy can help you with caring for your children if you need to come to court. You should try to leave your children with family or friends first. This is more comfortable for your children since you may be in court all day. However, if you cannot find someone to watch your children, you should call the county office of victim-witness advocacy to let them know you will need assistance. They will help you arrange for child care.
HIV Testing of Defendants and HIV Information and Referrals for Victims
If you came in contact with any bodily fluid of your attacker, such as blood, spit or semen, or if your attacker pricked you with a drug needle, you can ask the court to order the defendant to have a test for HIV or AIDS. A victim-witness counselor can help you.
Additionally, you should also call the county office of victim-witness advocacy or the local health department to get information about HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases. A victim-witness counselor can help you find a place that offers free, confidential testing for yourself.
Assistance in Obtaining Restitution
Restitution is money the defendant must pay to you because of losses incurred from the crime. The county office of victim-witness advocacy can help you complete the Victim Information and Impact form. Information on this form will be used by the assistant prosecutor, the probation department and the judge to decide how much restitution the defendant should pay to you. Restitution cannot be for an amount greater than the actual amount of losses you suffered.
Employer and Creditor Intercession
The county office of victim-witness advocacy can help you if you are having difficulty at work or school because of the crime or because you had to take time off for court. They can write letters and make phone calls explaining your situation. They can also contact creditors if you are not able to pay some bills on time because of the crime.
Assistance with Property Return
The county office of victim-witness advocacy can also help you to get personal items back which were kept for evidence. Most items cannot be returned, however, until after the sentencing.
The county office of victim-witness advocacy provides waiting rooms where you can stay while you are waiting to meet with an assistant prosecutor or investigator or waiting to go to court.
Parole Eligibility and Release Notification
The county office of victim-witness advocacy notifies you when the defendant is going to be considered for parole
- referrals for counseling services
- referrals to various social agencies
- assistance in applying for compensation for uninsured medical expenses, lost wages, emergency assistance, counseling and funeral expenses through the New Jersey Victims of Crime Compensation Board
- information on crime prevention.
Organizations' Phone Numbers
Victims of Crime Compensation Office (VCCO)
1- 877-658-2221
Child Abuse and Neglect Hotline
1-877-NJ-ABUSE (652-2873)
1-800-835-5510 (TTY)
Statewide Domestic Violence Hotline
Statewide Sexual Violence Hotline
NJ Human Trafficking Hotline
1-855-END-NJ-HT (1-855-363-6548)
National Domestic Violence Hotline
National Sexual Violence Hotline
National Human Trafficking Hotline
County Domestic Violence Programs
County Sexual Violence Programs
NJ Coalition to End Domestic Violence (NJCEDV)
NJ Coalition Against Sexual Violence (NJCASA)
County Offices
County Victim Witness Coordinator Offices | |
Atlantic | |
Office of Victim Witness Advocacy Atlantic County Prosecutor’s Office 4997 Unami Boulevard Mays Landing, New Jersey 08330 Phone: 609-909-7800 Fax: 609-909-7874 |
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Bergen | |
Office of Victim Witness Advocacy Bergen County Prosecutor’s Office Justice Center, Room 140 Hackensack, NJ 07601 Phone: 201-646-2057 Fax: 201-646-2264 |
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Burlington | |
Office of Victim Witness Advocacy Burlington County Prosecutor’s Office 49 Rancocas Road, 2nd Floor P.O. Box 6000 Mt. Holly, NJ 08060 Phone: 609-265-5048 Fax: 609-265-5007 Website: Email: Secret Witness Hotline: 609-267-7667 |
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Camden | |
Office of Victim Witness Advocacy Camden County Prosecutor’s Office 200 Federal Street Camden, NJ 08103 Phone: 856-225-8440 Fax: 856-225-8477 Website: |
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Cape May | |
Office of Victim Witness Advocacy Cape May County Prosecutor’s Office DN 110, 4 Moore Road Cape May Court House, NJ 08210 Phone: 609-465-1135 x3443 Fax: 609-465-6766 Website: Email: |
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Cumberland | |
Office of Victim Witness Advocacy Cumberland County Prosecutor’s Office 115 Vine Street Bridgeton, NJ 08302 Phone: 856-453-0486 x11162 Fax: 856-453-5219 Email: |
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Essex | |
Office of Victim Witness Advocacy Essex County Prosecutor’s Office New Courts Building-3rd Floor 50 West Market Street Newark, NJ 07102 Phone: 973-621-4689 Fax: 973-621-6150 Emai: |
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Gloucester | |
Office of Victim Witness Advocacy Gloucester County Prosecutor’s Office P.O. Box 623 Woodbury, NJ 08096 Phone: 856-384-5500 Fax: 856-384-8624 |
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Hudson | |
Office of Victim Witness Advocacy Hudson County Prosecutor’s Office Administration Building 595 Newark Avenue Jersey City, NJ 07306 Phone: 201-795-6508 Fax: 201-369-5211 Email: |
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Hunterdon | |
Office of Victim Witness Advocacy Hunterdon County Prosecutor’s Office PO Box 756 Flemington, NJ 08822 Phone: 908-788-1403 Fax: 908-788-1404 |
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Mercer | |
Office of Victim Witness Advocacy Mercer County Prosecutor’s Office P.O. Box 8068 Trenton, NJ 08650 Phone: 609-989-6428 Fax: 609-278-2707 Email: |
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Middlesex | |
Office of Victim Witness Advocacy Middlesex County Prosecutor’s Office 25 Kirkpatrick Street, 3rd Floor New Brunswick, NJ 08901 Phone: 732-745-3394 Fax: 732-296-7962 |
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Monmouth | |
Office of Victim Witness Advocacy Monmouth County Prosecutor’s Office 132 Jerseyville Avenue Freehold, NJ 07728 Phone: 732 431-7160 Fax: 732-845-2005 |
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Morris | |
Office of Victim Witness Advocacy Morris County Prosecutor’s Office P.O. Box 900 Court House Morristown, NJ 07960 Phone:973-285-6200 x6219 Fax: 973-285-6226 |
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Ocean | |
Office of Victim Witness Advocacy Ocean County Prosecutor’s Office 119 Hooper Avenue P.O. Box 2191 Toms River, NJ 08754 Phone: 732-929-2195 Fax: 732-288-7608 Email: |
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Passaic | |
Office of Victim Witness Advocacy Passaic County Prosecutor’s Office 401 Grand Street Paterson, NJ 07505 Phone: 973-881-4887 Fax: 973-754-1681 Website:
If you are in immediate danger, please call 9-1-1. |
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Salem | |
Office of Victim Witness Advocacy Salem County Prosecutor’s Office The Fenwick Building 87 Market Street, P.O. Box 462 Salem, NJ 08079 Phone:856-935-7510 x8364 Fax: 856-935-8737 |
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Somerset | |
Office of Victim Witness Advocacy Somerset County Prosecutor’s Office P.O. Box 3000 40 North Bridge Street Somerville, NJ 08876 Phone: 908-575-3359 Website: Email: |
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Sussex | |
Office of Victim Witness Advocacy Sussex County Prosecutor’s Office 19-21 High Street Newton, NJ 07860 Phone: 973-383-1570 Fax: 973-383-4929 Website: |
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Union | |
Office of Victim Witness Advocacy Union County Prosecutor’s Office 32 Rahway Avenue, 1st Floor Elizabeth, NJ 07202 Phone: 908-527-4596 Fax: 908-558-2587 Website: Email: |
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Warren | |
Office of Victim Witness Advocacy Warren County Prosecutor’s Office Court House, 413 Second St. Belvidere, NJ 07823 Phone: 908-475-6284 Fax: 908-475-6205 |
Sexual Assault Response Team (SART)
Forensic Nurse Examiner Program (FNE)
The SART/FNE Program provides victims of sexual assault, who are 13 years of age or older, with a prompt and coordinated response to their victimization. The SART, which consists of a specially trained law enforcement officer, an FNE, and a Confidential Sexual Violence Advocate (CSVA), provides victims with supportive and specialized services. In New Jersey, no victim is charged for the completion of a medical Sexual Assault Forensic Evidence (SAFE) Kit or a Drug Facilitated Sexual Assault (DFSA)/Toxicology Kit. To ensure continuity of services for sexual assault victims, the SART works with local law enforcement agencies, SART-participating hospitals, the county sexual violence programs, as well as SOVWA.
NJ Coalition to End Domestic Violence Women (NJCEDV)
NJ Coalition Against Sexual Assault (NJ CASA)
Child Abuse and Neglect Hotline
1-877-NJ-ABUSE (652-2873)
1-800-835-5510 (TTY)
Statewide Domestic Violence Hotline
Statewide Sexual Violence Hotline
NJ Human Trafficking Hotline
1-855-END-NJ-HT (1-855-363-6548)
National Domestic Violence Hotline
National Sexual Violence Hotline
National Human Trafficking Hotline
New Jersey Crime Victim’s Law Center
Mothers Against Drunk Driving
1-877-MAD-HELP (623-4357)