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Civil Rights

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Youth Justice Reform

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Consumer Protection

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Officer Resiliency

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Diversity & Inclusion

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Public Integrity

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Environmental Justice

Sexual Assault Victims

Sexual Assault Victims

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Protecting New Jersey Consumers

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Securing Environmental Justice

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Battling the Opioid Epidemic

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Standing up for Reproductive Rights

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Defending our Workforce

Latest News


AG Platkin and Division on Civil Rights Announce Finding of Probable Cause Against Housing Provider for Discriminatory Minimum-Income Requirement

Attorney General Matthew J. Platkin and the Division on Civil Rights (DCR) announced that DCR has issued a Finding of Probable Cause against Highland Living LLC, the owner of an apartment complex in Highland Park, and its leasing agent for allegedly violating the New Jersey Law Against Discrimination (LAD) by imposing unlawful minimum-income requirements that discriminated against recipients of government assistance.

AG: Former Investigator for NJ Victims of Crime Compensation Office Indicted After Allegedly Sending Sexually Explicit and Other Texts to Crime Victims

Attorney General Matthew J. Platkin and the Office of Public Integrity and Accountability (OPIA) announced that a former investigator for the New Jersey Victims of Crime Compensation Office (VCCO) has been indicted after allegedly exploiting his official position to send messages solicitous of an intimate relationship, sexually-suggestive messages, or sexually-explicit messages to crime victims who were seeking VCCO support.

Victim Information:

1) How to file a domestic violence restraining order; 2) resources for domestic violence victims; and 3) petitioning the court to dissolve the no contact order for defendants/juveniles released from custody due to public health emergency credits.

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