
Civil Rights

Civil Rights

Juvenile Justice Reform

Youth Justice Reform

Consumer Protection

Consumer Protection

Officer Resiliency

Officer Resiliency

Diversity & Inclusion

Diversity & Inclusion

Public Integrity

Public Integrity

Environmental Justice

Environmental Justice

Sexual Assault Victims

Sexual Assault Victims

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Consumer Protection Image

Protecting New Jersey Consumers

Securing Environmental Justice Image

Securing Environmental Justice

Battling the Opioid Epidemic Image

Battling the Opioid Epidemic

Standing Up for Reproductive Rights

Standing up for Reproductive Rights

Defending Our Workforce Image

Defending our Workforce

Latest News


Two Officers in Mercer County Charged with Sexual Crimes Against Children

Attorney General Matthew J. Platkin and the Division of Criminal Justice (DCJ) announced that a husband and wife – both law enforcement officers working in different departments within Mercer County – have been charged in connection with their respective roles in creating, producing, and distributing images of child sexual abuse.

Attorney General Platkin Announces TRUST Commission

Attorney General Matthew J. Platkin announced the establishment of a TRUST Commission, tasked with recommending ways the Office of the Attorney General can further its mission of eliminating corruption, promoting transparency, and strengthening the public’s trust in government.

Victim Information:

1) How to file a domestic violence restraining order; 2) resources for domestic violence victims; and 3) petitioning the court to dissolve the no contact order for defendants/juveniles released from custody due to public health emergency credits.

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