Matthew J. Platkin, Attorney General

Megan’s Law Rules of Conduct – Community Organization

Megan’s Law Rules of Conduct – Community Organization

A Community Organization, School & Daycare Guide to Megan’s Law

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If you have been shown a Notification Form that there is a convicted sex offender in the neighborhood where your organization is located. You must comply with the following rules:

You may do the following:

1. You should use the information you have received to exercise appropriate caution to protect the children and/or women in your care or under your supervision, based upon the information provided.
2. You should remain alert for the presence of this individual in the vicinity of those children or women over whom you exercise supervision or for whom you care.
3. If you believe that you have seen this individual in the vicinity and have a reasonable belief that the offender represents a threat to you or the children and/or women for whom you care, you should contact your local law enforcement agency.

Doing the following is inappropriate and may result in court action or prosecution being taken against you:

1. Do not share the information in this Notification flyer, or the flyer itself, with anyone.
2. Do not share the information in this notification flyer, or the flyer itself, with the media.
3. Do not post the flyer in a public location, or display it in a place where it is visible to anyone.
4. Do not attempt to harm the offender or his/her property. Do not attempt to harass the offender or make unsolicited, unwanted contact. If you believe the individual is a physical threat to you or children in your care, please contact your local police.
5. Do not take any action against the offender’s family, household members or employer that may in any way harm or harass a person or property.

This flyer is provided to you for the sole purpose of giving you information that can assist you in exercising your supervisory obligations. This information may be publicly available and updated by means of the Internet at the following site: Click onto the NJ Sex Offender Registry icon. Law enforcement will notify all appropriate community members, schools, organizations, residences and businesses. If you are not certain whether sharing the notification flier with a particular individual or disclosing the notification information would be appropriate under particular circumstances, you should contact the Megan’s Law Unit in the County Prosecutor’s Office, at for specific direction.

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