Indiana Firearms Dealer Will Stop Selling Large Capacity Magazines into New Jersey, Pay Penalty to Resolve Investigation into Illegal Online Sales

Attorney General Matthew J. Platkin and the Division of Consumer Affairs today announced that an Indiana-based firearms dealer has agreed to stop advertising, offering for sale, and selling large capacity magazines (“LCMs”) to New Jersey residents, and prevent the ordering and shipping of its LCMs to any New Jersey addresses, in order to resolve allegations stemming from an undercover investigation conducted by the Division.

AG Platkin, Division on Civil Rights Announce Enforcement Actions to Combat Housing Discrimination

Attorney General Matthew J. Platkin and the Division on Civil Rights (DCR) announced today that DCR has issued Findings of Probable Cause in 14 cases alleging violations of the New Jersey Law Against Discrimination’s (LAD) prohibition against denying housing opportunity because of a lawful source of income such as government rental assistance.

AG Platkin Announces Initiative to Address Discrimination in Home Appraisals

Attorney General Matthew J. Platkin announced today the launch of the Home Appraisal Discrimination Initiative to address persistent systemic inequities in real estate appraisals, which play a critical role in the homebuying and home refinancing process.

AG Platkin Leads Multistate Support for Wider Consumer Oversight of Digital Payment Services

Attorney General Matthew J. Platkin yesterday led a coalition of Attorneys General to support a proposed federal rule that would expand supervisory authority over certain nonbank companies to ensure that such companies are subject to the same regulatory oversight as banks, credit unions, and other traditional financial institutions.

AG Platkin: NJ Bureau of Securities Files Enforcement Action Against a Former VP of Real Estate Investment Firm that Defrauded $630M from Investors Nationwide

Attorney General Matthew J. Platkin announced today that the New Jersey Bureau of Securities within the Division of Consumer Affairs has filed a civil enforcement action against the former vice-president of an NJ-based real estate investment firm that defrauded investors nationwide.

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