Division on Civil Rights Issues Notice of Violation in Response to Advertisements Excluding Jewish Customers

“Gig Economy” Worker Violated the Law Against Discrimination by Excluding Jewish Customers.

AG Platkin and Director Iyer Issue Statement on Addressing Bias in K-12 Schools, Colleges, and Universities in New Jersey

Attorney General Matthew J. Platkin and Sundeep Iyer, Director of the Division on Civil Rights, have issued a statement in response to the recent rise in antisemitism and Islamophobia in K-12 schools and on college and university campuses.

AG Platkin Announces Resolutions with Five Municipalities Alleged to Have Discriminated Against LGBTQIA+ Individuals Seeking Marriage Licenses

Five Municipalities Received Notices of Violation for Posting LGBTQIA+ Exclusionary Marriage License Applications or Marriage License Information on their Websites.

Statement of Attorney General Matthew J. Platkin Regarding Continued Precautions Being Taken in New Jersey Due to the Terrorist Attacks in Israel

For Immediate Release: October 12, 2023 Office of the Attorney General- Matthew J. Platkin, Attorney General For Further Information: Media Inquiries-OAGpress@njoag.gov Since the terrorist attacks in Israel on Saturday, my office has been in regular communication with...

AG Platkin, Division on Civil Rights Take Enforcement Actions to Combat Disability Discrimination

Division Announces Findings of Probable Cause in 5 Cases and the Resolution of 11 Other Cases Involving Allegations of Disability Discrimination For Immediate Release: July 25, 2023 Office of the Attorney General- Matthew J. Platkin, Attorney GeneralDivision on Civil...
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