Mar 28, 2025 | 50 states and territories | Alaska | Apotex | Arizona | artificially inflate and manipulate prices | AUROBINDO PHARMA USA INC. | California | Colorado | Connecticut | Conspiracy to Inflate Drug Prices | DCA | Delaware | Division of Consumer Affairs | Division of Law | Florida | generic drug manufacturer | generic prescription drugs | Georgia | Heritage Pharmaceuticals | Idaho | Illinois | Inc. | Indiana | Iowa | Kansas | Kentucky | Limit Competition | Louisiana | Maine | Maryland | Massachusetts | Michigan | Minnesota | Mississippi | Missouri | Montana | Nebraska | Nevada | New Hampshire | New Jersey | New Mexico | New York | North Carolina | North Dakota | Northern Mariana Islands | Ohio | Oklahoma | Oregon | Pennsylvania | preliminary approval for a settlement | Puerto Rico | reduce competition | Rhode Island | SANDOZ | Settlement | South Carolina | South Dakota | Tennessee | TEVA PHARMACEUTICALS USA INC. | the District of Columbia | U.S. District Court for the District of Connecticut | U.S. Virgin Islands | unreasonably restrain trade | Utah | Vermont | Virginia | Washington | West Virginia | widespread long-running conspiracies | Wisconsin | Wyoming. | Division of Consumer Affairs | Division of Law | Press Release | Protecting New Jersey Consumers | Protecting New Jersey in Court
Attorney General Matthew J. Platkin is urging consumers to check their eligibility for compensation for certain generic drug purchases as New Jersey joins 50 states and territories in seeking preliminary approval for a $39.1 million settlement with generic drug manufacturer Apotex over conspiracy to inflate prices and limit competition.
Mar 10, 2025 | Division of Law | Press Release | Protecting New Jersey in Court
Attorney General Matthew J. Platkin announced that the State of New Jersey secured over half a million dollars from a surety company, International Fidelity Insurance Company (IFIC), and its parent, I.A.T. Insurance Group (IAT), to resolve a whistleblower lawsuit accusing them of improperly keeping monies of New Jersey residents in the form of unused collateral in violation of the New Jersey False Claims Act and the New Jersey Uniform Unclaimed Property Act.
Feb 28, 2025 | Bureau of Securities | Consumer Protection Enforcement Highlights | consumer protection initiatives | DCA | Division of Consumer Affairs | Division of Law | high volume of consumer complaints | impede consumers’ ability to make informed purchasing decisions | Office of Consumer Protection | Office of Weights and Measures | targeted crackdowns | taskforce sweeps | undercover investigations | unfair and deceptive conduct | unlawful business practices | unscrupulous investment schemes | Consumer Protection | Division of Consumer Affairs | Division of Law | Press Release | Protecting New Jersey Consumers
Attorney General Matthew J. Platkin and the Division of Consumer Affairs (“Division”) announced highlights of various consumer protection initiatives carried out by the Division in 2024, including those aimed at putting a stop to unlawful business practices that impede consumers’ ability to make informed purchasing decisions, shutting down unscrupulous investment schemes putting New Jersey investors at risk, and halting unfair and deceptive conduct in industries that historically generate a high volume of consumer complaints in New Jersey each year.
Jan 16, 2025 | appealing to children | bright packaging | California | candy | chocolate | civil investigative demands | Coalition | Connecticut | distributing | Division of Consumer Affairs | e-cigarette retailers | e-cigarettes | electronic cigarettes | enforcement tools | flavored vapor products | fruit | Hawaii | Illinois | importing | lawsuits | licensing and consumer protection laws | marketing flavored e-cigarettes | Minnesota | New Jersey | New Jersey joins California | New York | Ohio | rise in tobacco sales | selling | subpoenas | to filing lawsuits | Tobacco | Vermont | warning letters | Washington D.C. | Child Protection | Consumer Protection | Division of Consumer Affairs | Division of Law | Press Release | Protecting New Jersey Consumers
Advancing efforts to protect New Jerseyans from the hazards of electronic cigarettes, Attorney General Matthew J. Platkin announced that the Division of Consumer Affairs sent letters to nearly 11,000 New Jersey businesses reminding them that selling flavored vapor products is unlawful and directing them to cease any such sales immediately.
Jan 7, 2025 | "Advocate Form" | Affirmative Civil Enforcement Practice Group | against medical advice | aneurysm | cheap labor | Colonia | Conspiracy to Conceal | Division of Consumer Affairs | Division of Law | Enforcement Bureau | Final Consent Order | Harboring Aliens | Household Servants | housekeepers | India | medically compromised | Physician Sentenced to Federal Prison | Professional Boards Prosecution Section | Revoked License | rheumatology practice | State Board of Medical Examiners | verified complaint | Visiting Nurse Association of Central Jersey’s Community Health Center | DD-ImmigrantRights | Division of Consumer Affairs | Division of Law | Immigrants' Rights | Press Release | Protecting New Jersey in Court
Attorney General Matthew J. Platkin and the Division of Consumer Affairs announced that the State Board of Medical Examiners has permanently revoked the medical license of a Central Jersey physician facing 27 months in federal prison for conspiring with others to illegally recruit, conceal, and harbor two women from India to be household servants for low pay.
Jan 7, 2025 | Antitrust Litigation Competition Enforcement Assistant Section | Building Services Companies | competitive labor market | Federal Trade Commission (“FTC”) | Guardian Service Industries | improved wages and benefits | Inc. (“Guardian”) | Inc. (“Planned”) | limitation of competition | New York | No-Poach Agreements | Planned Building Services | residential and commercial buildings | restriction of employment opportunities | Settlements | Suppression of wages | Workers' Rights | Defending our Workforce | Division of Law | Press Release
Attorney General Matthew J. Platkin and New York Attorney General Letitia James announced settlements with Guardian Service Industries, Inc. (“Guardian”), and Planned Building Services, Inc. (“Planned”), as well as Planned’s affiliated companies, concerning the use of illegal no-poach agreements.