State of New Jersey v. Thomas Zingis and State of New Jersey v. Eileen Cassidy DWI Post-Conviction Relief

This notice is posted in accordance with State v. Zingis, 259 N.J. 1 (2024). If you were arrested and/or convicted of Driving While Intoxicated (“DWI”) and gave a breath sample on an affected Alcotest instrument, you may be entitled to post-conviction relief.

Two Officers in Mercer County Charged with Sexual Crimes Against Children

Attorney General Matthew J. Platkin and the Division of Criminal Justice (DCJ) announced that a husband and wife – both law enforcement officers working in different departments within Mercer County – have been charged in connection with their respective roles in creating, producing, and distributing images of child sexual abuse.

Attorney General Platkin Announces Charges Against Newark Man for Role in Home Invasion and Residential Burglary Ring

Attorney General Matthew J. Platkin and the Division of Criminal Justice (DCJ) announced that a Newark man has been charged in connection with his role in an auto theft and home burglary ring.

Attorney General Platkin Announces Charges Against 25 People, Four Companies, in Large-Scale Diesel Fuel Theft Scheme

Attorney General Matthew J. Platkin and the Division of Criminal Justice (DCJ) announced charges against 25 people and four companies for their alleged roles in a multimillion-dollar scheme that used stolen credit card information to fraudulently purchase tens of thousands of gallons of diesel fuel and then resell it to trucking companies and other fuel providers.

AG’s Office: Newton Man Sentenced to Five Years in Prison in International Business E-Mail Compromise Scheme

Attorney General Matthew J. Platkin and the Office of Securities Fraud and Financial Crimes Prosecutions (OSFFCP) today announced the sentencing of a Sussex County man who admitted receiving over $1.2 million in stolen funds in an international business email compromise (BEC) scheme in 2017 and 2018.

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