
Student Internships

Student Internships

A number of the Department’s Divisions offer unpaid student internships. Each Division runs its own program in coordination with the Division of Administration, Human Resource Management, with different deadlines and application requirements, as described below. To apply for an internship, submit your materials using the contact information provided by the relevant Division.


Division of Law

The Division of Law (DOL) offers law students the opportunity to experience the day-to-day work of the state’s civil attorneys. Each intern is assigned to a specific DOL section, allowing the student to specialize in a particular area of interest, whether its education law, civil rights litigation, complex financial transactions, or child protection proceedings.

Interns perform the full range of law clerk responsibilities, including research and writing, and have the opportunity to observe a wide range of lawyering activity. Students participating in the program attend court proceedings, client meetings, depositions, and other special events. They are also eligible to participate in training sessions offered to Deputy Attorneys General throughout the year.
Locations: Newark, Trenton, Voorhees

Students: Law students only

Timing: Summer break, fall semester, spring semester

Sections: Law students may apply to work in one of 11 sections based in Newark, 14 sections based in Trenton, or 1 in Voorhees.

Deadlines: March 15 – Summer program
July 15 – Fall semester
November 15 – Spring semester

Application: Complete one-page application
Submit (1) cover letter, (2) resume, (3) writing sample, and (4) law school transcript
Applicants seeking to work in Newark should submit their applications to:

Pavithra Angara, DAG
Attn: DOL Internship
124 Halsey St, 5th Floor
Newark, NJ 07101
(973) 648-7457

Applicants seeking to work in Trenton or Voorhees should submit their applications to:

Philip J. Espinosa, DAG
Attn: DOL Internship
P.O. Box 114
Trenton, NJ 08625
(609) 376-3300
Philip.Espinosa@law.njoag.govsubject=”DOL Internship Application – Trenton/Voorhees”

Division of Criminal Justice

The New Jersey Division of Criminal Justice offers undergraduate, graduate, and law students the opportunity to participate in an unpaid internship during their Fall or Spring semesters or during their Summer break. If accepted into the program, students will be assigned to one of the Division’s Bureaus or supporting Units and Offices. Undergraduate or law students will be supervised by a Detective or a Deputy Attorney General, respectively.

Undergraduate interns will be exposed to a variety of investigative aspects for the interdiction and prosecution of violations of criminal law, which will enhance undergraduate studies in Criminal Justice or related forensic or technical fields of study. Law interns will be exposed to a variety of substantive areas of New Jersey criminal law, and are expected to have excellent legal research and legal writing skills. All interns are expected to have outstanding interpersonal communication skills.

Beyond the duties and responsibilities assigned by each law intern’s supervisor, interns are provided opportunities to observe and work with Detectives and Deputy Attorneys General in the course of their normal job duties, including appearances before the Law Division (Criminal Part), Appellate Division, and, occasionally, the New Jersey Supreme Court. Interns may also attend the Brown Bag Lunch Program (periodic speaking / training events, typically held via Microsoft Teams or at the Hughes Justice Complex in Trenton), at which Detectives and Deputy Attorneys General share their knowledge of investigations, substantive law, and litigation techniques.  We also offer a mock trial program for all interns.

.Applications for the Internship Program should be submitted according to the schedule below:

Fall Session
– September through November
– Application Deadline: May 31

Spring Session
– January through April
– Application Deadline: October 31

Summer Session
– June through August
– Application Deadline: March 10

Please submit all of the requested documents and/or materials, listed below, via Email.  You do not need to mail a duplicate copy. 

If you are an undergraduate, graduate, or law student, and would like to be considered for an unpaid position in the Internship Program, applicants are required to submit a completed Internship Application, cover letter, resume, and most recent official transcript.  Law students are also required to submit a legal writing sample. Applicants should review the Division of Criminal Justice website to express their area of interest as well as any geographical preferences. Every effort will be made to accommodate such interests, but no particular assignment is guaranteed.

Telephone contact: (609) 376-2401

E-mail contact:
Internship Application Rev. 2/20/2025

NOTE: If you are offered a position in the internship program you must complete a Confidential Background Investigation Clearance Form.
Please complete all 5 pages of the form, and email the original notarized form, (Subject Line – Background Investigation Clearance Form – YOUR LAST NAME).


Division of Criminal Justice (DCJ) Headquarters:
Richard J. Hughes Justice Complex (HJC)
(directions and more information)
Richard J. Hughes Justice Complex,
25 Market Street, Trenton, New Jersey
Atlantic City –
1300 Atlantic Avenue, Atlantic City, New Jersey
Cherry Hill –
5 Executive Campus, Cherry Hill, New Jersey
Hamilton –
Horizon Center – NJ Division of Criminal Justice
1200 Negron Drive Room 401, Hamilton, New Jersey
Sea Girt –
DCJ Academy – National Guard Training Center
PO Box 283, Sea Girt, New Jersey
Whippany –
1 Apollo Drive, Whippany, New Jersey
Division of Consumer Affairs

The New Jersey Division of Consumer Affairs offers undergraduate and graduate students the opportunity to participate in an unpaid internship during their Fall or Spring semesters or during their Summer break. If accepted into the program, students will be assigned to one of the Division’s Boards, supporting Units or Offices.

For more information, please visit

Division of Gaming Enforcement
Division of Gaming Enforcement Internship Opportunities

Atlantic City or Trenton, New Jersey

Duration of Internship:

The program will be offered year-round for Spring, Summer, and Fall semesters.
All internships are 12 weeks in duration.

Spring: January to May
Summer: May to August
Fall: September to December

Application Deadlines
Spring: November 15
Summer:  April 15
Fall: July 15

Available to:
Any law school, college, or college graduate student may apply for an internship. 

Overview of Internship:
This internship program is designed to provide students who may be interested in state government an opportunity to volunteer as interns. This is an unpaid internship program that affords students the opportunity to obtain valuable work experience, including training in many areas of gaming regulation under direct supervision of staff in the Casino Licensing Bureau, Regulatory Enforcement Bureau, Service Industry Licensing Bureau, Records & ID Bureau, Technical Services Bureau, and Legal Bureau.

To Apply:
Students must submit a short writing sample, resume, and cover letter to apply. The cover letter should be a brief introduction about the student and state their preference of work location and type of internship they would like with the Division (Legal, Investigations, or Support Functions).

Your resume package must be received no later than 5:00 PM on the closing date as indicated above. Please submit resume packages to:

Intern Coordinator
Division of Gaming Enforcement
1325 Tennessee Avenue
Atlantic City, NJ 08225




Division of State Police

The New Jersey State Police offers undergraduates the opportunity to learn more about state’s largest law enforcement organization. Students are placed in units based on their interests and skills, ranging from criminology to chemistry to finance. To read more, click here.
Locations: West Trenton (NJSP Headquarters), other locations statewide

Students: Undergraduates who have earned at least 60 credits and a 2.5 GPA

Timing: Summer break, fall semester, spring semester

Sections: Candidates may express a preference based on geography or specialized interests


Fall Semester- July 1st
pring Semester- November 1st
Summer Semester- April 1st

Application: Complete application documents
Submit (1) resume and (2) letter from your school indicating the number of credits you will receive for the internship
Applicants should submit their applications to:

Attn: Internship Coordinator
New Jersey State Police
P.O. Box 7068
River Road
West Trenton, NJ 08628-0068
(609) 882-2000 ext. 6401

Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (“ODEI”)

The Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (“ODEI”) is responsible for the overarching strategy, oversight, and implementation of DEI initiatives within and across the Department of Law & Public Safety.  Our mission is to serve the public and be attuned to the needs and sensibilities of the diverse communities that we serve.  We also champion diversity, equity, and inclusion within the Department of Law & Public Safety for all employees by fostering a workplace culture that advances the best practices of organizational DEI.

We value the diverse perspectives and experiences of every employee in the department, and we celebrate and educate about cultural observances as well as the unique concerns and interests of our team members. Additionally, we provide programs and training sessions aimed at educating and equipping employees with the tools needed to understand the concepts of diversity, equity, and inclusion and how these principles apply to our organization.

The Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion provides undergraduate and graduate students with the chance to engage in an unpaid internship during the Fall or Spring semesters, as well as over the summer break. If selected for the program, students will take on a supportive role within ODEI. Responsibilities will include helping to organize and deliver multicultural observances, planning and executing various DEI initiatives that support our employee resource groups, and contributing to the mission of the Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.

This is a great opportunity for students to work with professionals in the field of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.  Although this is an UNPAID internship program, it will still teach you a great deal and will be a great experience for any student who hopes to one day work in Government. This internship can possibly earn you credit for school and will look great on your resume.

Applications for the Internship Program should be submitted according to the schedule below:

Spring Session (January to May)
Application Deadline: November 11

Summer Session (May to August)
Application Deadline: March 18

Fall Session (September to December)
Application Deadline: July 8

If you are an undergraduate or graduate student and would like to be considered for a position in the Internship Program, please submit a completed Internship Program Application, cover letter and resume.

Please send your completed Internship Program Application, cover letter and resume to:

Email: or

Office of the Solicitor General

Office of the Solicitor General – Summer Internship

Established in 2020, the Office of the Solicitor General coordinates the Attorney General’s involvement in matters before the U.S. Supreme Court, federal courts of appeals, and the New Jersey Supreme Court, focusing on cases involving significant constitutional and appellate issues.

The intern will work with attorneys in the Office of the Solicitor General on research and writing projects, including drafting briefs in appeals and dispositive motions.  The intern will also attend moot courts and oral arguments.

The intern should possess stellar legal research and writing skills, have a strong interest in constitutional law, and be able to work both independently and collaboratively in a fast-paced environment.

Current law students (1Ls, 2Ls, 3Ls, and LLMs) are eligible to apply.  The program will run for a minimum of 8 weeks during the summer of 2025 (specific beginning and end dates flexible).  The position is based in Newark, NJ. The internship is unpaid; please consult your career services office for potential sources of funding.

Application Requirements:

  • One-page cover letter expressing why you are interested in the internship. Please include the name and contact information of 2 references.
  • Resume.
  • Legal writing sample of no more than 5 pages containing your own legal analysis. You may use a document drafted during law school or a summer internship so long as it does not contain material that is privileged or otherwise confidential.
  • Current law school transcript (copies of unofficial transcripts are acceptable). If you are a first-year law student and do not have an available transcript, please note in your cover letter that the transcript is forthcoming.

Please submit the above application components in PDF format to  Applications will be considered on a rolling basis, beginning on Monday, September 23, 2024, and are due no later than 12pm on Tuesday, January 14, 2025.

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