On May 19, 1998, the Automobile Insurance Cost Reduction Act of 1998 (AICRA) was enacted which created the OIFP P.L. 1998, c.21. The mission of the Office of the Insurance Fraud Prosecutor (OIFP) is to conduct full and fair investigations to ensure successful criminal prosecutions, civil adjudications, licensing sanctions or other appropriate dispositions and to serve as the focal point for the coordination of all anti-insurance fraud activities statewide.
OIFP serves as the focal point for all criminal, civil and administrative prosecutions of Medicaid and insurance fraud. The Office also coordinates all insurance-related anti-fraud activities of State and local departments and agencies.
Recent News
Essex County Insurance Agent Indicted for Allegedly Submitting Fraudulent Applications to Insurance Companies to Illegally Obtain Commissions
For Immediate Release: January 4, 2023 Office of the Attorney General- Matthew J. Platkin, Attorney GeneralOffice of the Insurance Fraud Prosecutor- Al Garcia, Interim Insurance Fraud ProsecutorFor Further Information: Media Inquiries-Lisa...
Acting AG Platkin: Mercer County Couple and Business Owners Charged with Insurance Fraud and Failure to Pay and to Remit Taxes
For Immediate Release: September 27, 2022 Office of the Attorney General- Matthew J. Platkin, Acting Attorney GeneralOffice of the Insurance Fraud Prosecutor- Tracy M. Thompson, Insurance Fraud ProsecutorFor Further Information: Media Inquiries-Lisa...
Acting AG Platkin: Owner of NJ Mental Health Clinic Chain Charged with Orchestrating Scheme to Defraud Medicaid and Using Clinics to Hide Income in $1 Million Tax Evasion Scheme
For Immediate Release: September 19, 2022 Office of the Attorney General- Matthew J. Platkin, Acting Attorney GeneralOffice of the Insurance Fraud Prosecutor- Tracy M. Thompson, Insurance Fraud ProsecutorFor Further Information: Media Inquiries-Lisa...
Acting AG Platkin Announces Charges in Alleged Opioid Distribution Network Being Run from Morris County Physician’s Office
For Immediate Release: August 5, 2022 Office of the Attorney General- Matthew J. Platkin, Acting Attorney GeneralOffice of the Insurance Fraud Prosecutor- Tracy M. Thompson, Insurance Fraud ProsecutorFor Further Information: Media Inquiries-Lisa...
Acting AG Platkin Announces Mallinckrodt to Pay More Than $230 Million to Settle Lawsuit Alleging Underpayment of Medicaid Drug Rebates
As Part of Settlement, NJ to Receive Nearly $2.8 Million in Restitution and Other RecoveriesFor Immediate Release: July 26, 2022 Office of the Attorney General- Matthew J. Platkin, Acting Attorney GeneralOffice of the Insurance Fraud Prosecutor- Tracy M. Thompson,...