Every law enforcement agency in New Jersey has occasion to encounter or investigate some aspect of insurance fraud. The Office of the Insurance Fraud Prosecutor (OIFP) coordinates investigations of insurance fraud with law enforcement agencies at every level of government, whether municipal, county, state or federal, and facilitates avenues of communication among these agencies in insurance fraud.
OIFP has also published and disseminated to local police a publication known as the Uninsured Motorist Identification Directory (UMID). UMID provides information to enable local police officers to verify the authenticity and current validity of automobile insurance cards by making direct contact with appropriate insurance company personnel.
OIFP has also assigned personnel to act as liaisons to County Prosecutors’ Offices and other law enforcement agencies. OIFP’s County Prosecutor Liaison has established and maintains a comprehensive system for the coordination of referrals between OIFP and County Prosecutors’ Offices. The Prosecutor Liaison is responsible for overseeing and administering the County Prosecutor Insurance Fraud Reimbursement Program, conducting annual training for assistant prosecutors and county investigators, and meeting with County Prosecutors and their staff to discuss reporting requirements and the coordination of investigations.
OIFP’s Law Enforcement Liaison acts as OIFP’s representative in coordinating OIFP’s activities with law enforcement agencies at every level of government, and in facilitating avenues of communication among these agencies in the area of insurance fraud.
Training Opportunities
As the New Jersey agency charged with leading the state’s efforts to investigate and prosecute insurance and Medicaid fraud, the Office of the Insurance Fraud Prosecutor offers training modules designed to assist law enforcement officers in the detection and investigation of a variety of types of insurance fraud. Instruction may be tailored for both basic and annual in-service training classes.
Course Description
Blocks of instruction in each of the following areas:
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Insurance Fraud Overview |
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Civil Law Overview |
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Criminal Law Overview |
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Staged Accident Investigation |
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Auto Theft Investigation |
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Medicaid Fraud Overview |
Class Composition
This training is designed for both patrol officers and investigative personnel. Law Enforcement Officers having either a first response role to accidents, burglaries, thefts, and vehicular traffic stops or those having a supplemental investigative responsibility with respect to these offenses should attend.
The course is instructed by members of the Division of Criminal Justice assigned to the Office of the Insurance Fraud Prosecutor, and members of the New Jersey State Police Insurance Fraud Unit.
Arranging for Training
Please contact the Law Enforcement Liaison by calling 609-633-6978 or in writing at Division of Criminal Justice’s Office of the Insurance Fraud Prosecutor to the attention of the Law Enforcement Liaison, PO Box 094, Trenton, New Jersey 08625-0094
Roll Call: Insurance Fraud Overview for Police Departments
The New Jersey Office of the Insurance Fraud Prosecutor is offering insurance fraud training for police departments. This training will help law enforcement officers recognize potential fraud situations as first responders on the scene and throughout the course of their investigations. This training will provide red flag indicators of insurance fraud to be aware of as well as provide local and state resources available to police departments to assist them in their investigations.
Uninsured Motorist Identification Directory (UMID)
The Uninsured Motorist Identification Directory (UMID), is a comprehensive directory of insurance carriers hotlines where law enforcement officers can ascertain the status of insurance with respect to any vehicle insured in New Jersey. It is recommended that every police agency in New Jersey which may conduct traffic stops, establish a protocol which involves the use of the UMID to determine insurance status when checking license, registration and other checks.
To order a printed and wire bound copy of the UMID booklet, contact the Law Enforcement Liaison by,
calling 609-633-6978 or Writing to OIFP at:
Office of The Insurance Fraud Prosecutor
Attn: Law Enforcement Liaison
PO Box 094
Trenton, New Jersey 08625-0094