Office of the Insurance Fraud Prosecutor

Industry Fraud Reporting

Industry Fraud Reporting

The Office of the Insurance Fraud Prosecutor (OIFP) accepts case referrals directly from insurance companies as follows:

1)       through the ISO (Insurance Services Office) Portal, if your agency is a member; and
2)      through electronic submission of the following applicable forms:

Claim Fraud Referral Form 1
Application Fraud Referral Form 2
Health Claim Fraud Referral Form 3
Health Application Fraud Referral Form 4

Upon completion, the forms can be emailed directly to OIFP at this address:

Case referrals must contain supporting documentation. You can request a link enabling your agency to easily upload pertinent documents that coincide with the case referral by emailing

Case referrals must also include the contacts from your agency that will serve as points of contact for case notification and follow-up, preferably the Special Investigator handling the case.

Important Notes for Completing the Case Referral Forms

Use your mouse to select an area of the form that is not inside a form field or hit the tab key after completing the entry of your last box before printing your form.

-If a form field is active (contains the blinking bar) the contents of that block will not print.

-Your web browser may  be configured with the Acrobat plug-in to automatically open the file within your browsers window upon download. To download the file directly to your computer, right click on the link, then select “save link as” or “save target as” from the dropdown options.

-If the fillable form is displayed within your web browser’s window be sure to use the printer button on the Acrobat toolbar menu to print the form instead of your web browser’s print function.

*Software Requirements
To view, complete, and print fillable forms you will need Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer. Adobe Acrobat Reader is a free viewer, but will not allow you to save completed, or partially completed, forms to your computer. Only those who have the full version of Adobe Acrobat will have those functions.

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