Office of Law Enforcement Professional Standards

OLEPS – Highlights

OLEPS – Highlights

2023 Highlights

  • In 2023, OLEPS reviewed and provided recommendations to approximately 78 NJSP Academy lesson plans, with associated training materials, to conform to best practices and enhanced the current NJSP practices on cultural awareness, law enforcement ethics and leadership, and constitutional law, including the laws of arrest, and search and seizure. This is an increase of 41.8% from last year. OLEPS also expanded the scope of its review to include the periodic assessment of additional lesson plans for NJSP recruit classes. OLEPS also audited 32 NJSP trainings to ensure appropriate presentation of the training material. Further, OLEPS presented to the NJSP Citizen’s Academy, the NJSP Academy recruits, and to the Internal Affairs Investigator School.
  • In 2023, OLEPS produced multiple reports. For example, OLEPS completed oversight reports, in which the office reviewed numerous data, motor vehicle digital recordings, and motor vehicle stop reports, among other materials, for over 600 motor vehicle stops conducted by NJSP. OLEPS also published reports detailing the NJSP internal affairs process, and provided data associated with reviewed and aggregated misconduct.
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