NJ Racing Commission



FAQs – General
What is The New Jersey Racing Commission?

The New Jersey Racing Commission is responsible for regulating both the safety and integrity of the horse racing industry through the conduct of investigations, prosecutions and via regular monitoring. The Division of the New Jersey Racing Commission has jurisdiction over New Jersey’s thoroughbred and standardbred permit holders and the authority to regulate racing at the state’s four racetracks. For more information on the NJRC visit About NJRC.

How would I obtain a copy of the New Jersey Racing Commission rule book?

You can get the full text of any rule which is highlighted on this website by clicking here and following these steps:

A Free Public Access” page will appear. Click “I agree”
Click on the “+” sign on the right hand side to open up Title 13, Law and Public Safety rules, and search for Chapters 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 74A and 74B.


The Racing Commission will respond to requests in writing for the Administrative rules and regulations. Please mail a check or money order in the amount of $15 payable to the New Jersey Racing Commission along with your request, or email your request to this agency here.
You may also reference the complete New Jersey Administrative Code at the New Jersey State Library on West State Street in Trenton, or by visiting one of the (3) New Jersey Law Libraries at Seton Hall, Rutgers-Newark, or Rutgers-Camden.

Does the New Jersey Racing Commission accept credit cards for payment?

Yes. New Jersey Racing Commission accepts payment via credit cards.

Who do I make a check or money order payable?

Payable to “New Jersey Racing Commission”.

How would I go about claiming a horse?
What steps need to be taken to become a Jockey?

Contact the Thoroughbred State Steward in writing or call the Trenton Office. The Thoroughbred State Steward is Steven Pagano. He can be contacted by phone at one of the following tracks:

732-571-5620 c/o Monmouth Park Racetrack
201-460-4137 c/o Meadowlands Racetrack

What steps and requirements are needed to become a Harness Driver?

Contact the Thoroughbred State Steward in writing or call the Trenton Office. The Thoroughbred State Steward is Steven Pagano. He can be contacted by phone at one of the following tracks:

732-571-5620 c/o Monmouth Park Racetrack
201-460-4137 c/o Meadowlands Racetrack

Where are you located?

The NJRC main office is located in Trenton at:

140 East Front Street
4th Floor
Trenton, NJ 08625-0088

For directions and other ways to contact the Commission, visit the Contact Section of NJRC.

At what age can you place a bet at a pari-mutuel racetrack?
You must be 18 years old.
When does a Mutuel Ticket Expire?

A mutuel ticket expires 6 months and 1 day from the day the ticket was purchased.

What is the appeal procedure?
Any person disciplined by the stewards or any official representing the Racing Commission pursuant to the laws of New Jersey or rules of the Commission may appeal said penalty to the Commission and request a hearing.

An appeal must be filed with the Racing Commission in writing at the office of the Commission within (3) days of the date of imposition of the penalty.

Hearings in any appeal to the Racing Commission shall be conducted pursuant to the Administrative Procedure Act, N.J.S.A. 52:146 and 52:14F, and the Uniform Administrative Procedure Rules, N.J.A.C. 1:3.

A notice of appeal filed with the Racing Commission must be accompanied by a request for a stay pending a final decision by the Commission. Such a request for a stay shall be made on a form prescribed by the Commission, or in a letter format.

What are the violations and penalties issued by the Racing Commission?
The penalties for violation of the law, the rules and regulations or the directives of the Racing Commission include the following:

  1. Denial, revocation or suspension of license;
  2. Monetary fines not exceeding $50,000 for each violation. The stewards and judges may not impose directly a fine in excess of $5,000;
  3. Suspension from one or more activities at one or more tracks;
  4. Expulsion from racing in New Jersey;
  5. Forfeiture of purse;
  6. Disqualification of race horses;
  7. Mandatory testing of race horses and licensee;

In addition, to the foregoing, the Commission may impose as a condition to licensing such conditions as it shall deem appropriate to secure compliance with the rules, regulations and directives of the Commission.

The penalties provided above, where applicable, shall be extracted from all persons and/or associations, whether licensed by the Commission or not.

What are the violations and penalties issued by the Racing Commission to track associations?
Any track association licensed by the Racing Commission that violates a law, rule or regulation or directive of this commission and continues in deliberate violation for a period of 72 hours following notification from the Racing Commission that such violation exists, shall be subject to a fine of not more than $5,000 per day for each and every day said track association remains in violation of the law, rule or regulation or directive of this Commission. Any association fined pursuant to this rule may, within three days after service of such notice of the imposition of a fine or fines, request a hearing by petition in writing which hearing shall be held within four days after the petition has been served upon the chairman or executive director.
What is the procedure to submit information to the Racing Commission?
Upon notification by the Racing Commission to the interested party that they shall have the opportunity to submit information regarding their position, all information shall be filed and received by the Commission within 15 days after the date of notice.

At least 10 days prior to the date upon which it is anticipated that the Commission will act, the Commission shall provide copies of all information received from interested parties to all other interested parties. Interested parties shall be those persons or entities that are identified by statute and given the express authority to submit applications, comments or other information to the Commission for its consideration before or when reaching a decision at a scheduled meeting.

All requests to be heard verbally shall be filed with and received by the Commission at least 7 days prior to the scheduled meeting.

What is the procedure to request a split urine or blood sample and what are the fees?
Upon notification by the State Steward to the trainer and owner of a determination of a primary urine or blood sample testing positive for a foreign substance, the trainer and owner must within 10 days of the date of the notification, request in writing to the Racing Commission’s Executive Director that any split sample be sent to another outside laboratory for testing.

Shipment of sample from the Truesdail Laboratory to authorized outside laboratory: $350 .00

The testing fee for the split sample is determined by the authorized outside laboratory and varies.

FAQs – Licensing
How would you know if you needed to be fingerprinted and what is the cost?

The New Jersey Racing Commission requires all licensees to be fingerprinted every 5 years.  Individuals that live in New Jersey or within a certain radius of New Jersey’s boarders are required to be printed electronically via Live Scan, which can be done at any of the states pari-mutuel racetracks.  Individuals that live outside of this geographical location may have their fingerprints processed on a Federal fingerprint card.  It is recommended to contact one of the Racing Commission’s licensing offices for additional information such as cost and hours of operation.

Is it possible to be licensed in New Jersey for other Jurisdictions?
No, you must submit a copy of an application to each Jurisdiction separately.
Where should my completed application be mailed?

If mailing application forms I, II or III please mail to the Trenton address which is located at the top of each application. If mailing the Multiple Jurisdiction application send a copy to each jurisdiction you plan on racing along with the fees, see page 4 on Multiple Jurisdiction Application.

If I am licensed in another state is my license valid in New Jersey?


When does my New Jersey Racing Commission license expire?

Your New Jersey Racing Commission license expires at the end of the calendar year (Jan. 1 – Dec. 31). The only exception is a 3 year Owner license Jan. 1 – Dec. 31, spanning 3 years.

Why does the New Jersey Racing Commission require me to keep getting printed?

The New Jersey Racing Commission requires that federal fingerprint records be updated every 5 years. 

What exactly does "Multiple - Jurisdictional" License mean?

Please see the Multiple-Jurisdictional information found at the Association of Racing Commissioners International (ARCI) website.

What is the fee structure for licensing with the New Jersey Racing Commission?
  • Form I Owner 1 year $50.00
  • Owner 3 years $150.00
  • Trainer $50.00
  • Assistant Trainer $30.00
  • Driver $50.00
  • Driver/Trainer $50.00
  • Jockey $50.00
  • Jockey Apprentice $30.00
  • Jockey Agent $50.00
  • Stable Employee $5.00
  • C.I.D. $10.00
  • C.I.D. Vendor $10.00
  • Pari-mutuel $25.00
  • Veterinarian $50.00
  • Valet $20.00
  • Plater $20.00
  • Vendor $50.00


  • Form II Stable Name $50.00
  • Multiple Ownership $50.00
  • Corporate Stable Name $50.00
  • Partnership No Fee


  • Form III Authorized Agent $50.00


Multiple Jurisdiction – ARCI – see the Association of Racing Commissioners International (ARCI) website for fee structure.

Why do I have to fill out a license each year if I am already in the computer?

By law and the NJRC Rules & Regulations the NJRC has to issue licenses each year

Can I race one time without a license?


What are the hours for licensing?

Check with each licensing location for their hours of operation. Phone numbers and addresses are located in Licensing.

Why do I need a Multiple Ownership License if each of the owners are licensed individually?

Multiple Ownership is a separate entity which requires a separate license.

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