NJ Racing Commission

About NJRC

About NJRC


The New Jersey Racing Commission is responsible for regulating the safety and integrity of the horse racing industry through the conduct of investigations, prosecutions and via regular monitoring. The Division of the New Jersey Racing Commission has jurisdiction over New Jersey’s thoroughbred and standardbred permit holders and the authority to regulate racing at the state’s three racetracks.

Activities included in the regulation of racing activities are the oversight of pari-mutuel wagering, supervising pari-mutuel operations at all the tracks and granting permits for the conduct of running the thoroughbred and standardbred race meetings in the state where pari-mutuel wagering is allowed. In 2016, the three operating racetracks in New Jersey scheduled 271 live racing dates. The Commission also has jurisdiction over the simulcasting of horse racing activities at these racetracks as well as casino simulcasting facilities, the Account Wagering System and six Off-track wagering facilities.

The Commission allots annual race dates to existing permit holders. It licenses, fingerprints, photographs, and screens all personnel working for or connected with track operations, including management, horsemen, owners and prospective stockholders, to ensure that no one connected with racing is unsuitable as to character and integrity. It oversees the actual conduct of races, supervises the extraction of fluid and blood specimens from horses for chemical analysis and conducts initial hearings on appeals resulting from disciplinary actions that may lead to judicial proceedings at the appellate level. The Commission assigned significant resources to oversee casino simulcasting of racing events.

The Commission monitors the conduct of every individual race conducted at its three racetracks, supervises the betting activity associated with those races and collects pari-mutuel taxes. The Commission monitors the wagering on more than 60,000 horse races simulcast into New Jersey tracks and casinos. As part of the monitoring program to ensure that no illegal or banned substances are being used, Commission employees collected blood and urine specimens from horses and urine specimens from jockeys, drivers and officials that are tested for the presence of illegal substances.


By statute, the composition of the Racing Commission includes nine (9) individuals who are appointed by the Governor with the advice and consent of the Senate.

  • Arlene Quinones-Perez
  • Francis X. Keegan, Jr
  • Glen Vetrano
  • Lawrence DeMarzo
  • Charles E. Tomaro
  • Jennifer Beck (Senator Emerita)
  • Michael Venuto
  • Vacant
  • Vacant

The day to day operations of the Racing Commission are the responsibility of Acting Executive Director Sara Ben-David, and her staff.

Members of the Commission and its staff are active in the premier international racing association known as the Association of Racing Commissioners International (ARCI) www.arci.com


The Racing Commission employs an in-house investigative unit which is responsible for assisting in maintaining the integrity of the sport. The group conducts inquiries on potential licensees, administers license checks or sweeps at racetracks, inspects licensed off-track farms where racehorses are situated, provides testimony in litigated matters, and assists other law enforcement authorities and the track security units in conducting their duties


The Racing Commission employs racing officials to represent the Commission at the various tracks. In addition to issuing fines for rule infractions, the stewards and judges monitor every horse race run in New Jersey, rule on matters affecting the integrity of racing and licensing matters (such as falsifications of applications). By aggressively pursuing all violations of its rules and regulations, New Jersey is considered one of the most closely monitored and regulated horse racing states in the nation.


Licensing and Permit information and applications can be found here.

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