Matthew J. Platkin, Attorney General

Youth Justice Commission

Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA)

Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA)

In 2013, facilities across the country began implementing the components of the Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) which was passed in 2004 with unanimous support from both parties in Congress. The JJC has implemented a comprehensive PREA policy and has undertaken substantial and ongoing training regarding PREA. In addition, background and Child Abuse Records Information (CARI) checks are conducted for all JJC staff, volunteers, interns, and contractors that may have interaction with JJC youth, as required by the Act.

All facilities in the state must be in compliance with PREA in order to maintain current federal funding levels. Each state is mandated to complete external audits using a federally-certified auditing firm to examine one-third of its facilities each year for compliance with PREA. The JJC contracts with a certified auditor with specialization in juvenile facilities and community programs to conduct the required audits each year.

The reports below demonstrate that all JJC facilities are in full compliance with the Federal Prison Rape Elimination Act. The audit reports can be found below.

Annual Reports

Audit Reports


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