Youth Justice Commission

Mission. Vision. Core Values

Mission. Vision. Core Values


The JJC is committed to leading the ongoing reform of the youth justice system; to implementing and promoting policies and practices that improve outcomes for young people involved with the justice system, their families, and their communities; and to advancing race equity and eliminating racial disparities in the administration of justice. Across a continuum of care, which includes locally operated community-based prevention and intervention programs, as well as JJC-operated secure care facilities, residential community homes, and community-based parole and transitional services, the JJC is committed to providing culturally responsive programming, supports, and opportunities designed to help youth grow and thrive and to become independent, productive, and law-abiding citizens.



The JJC’s vision is for a youth justice system where integrity, commitment, leadership, diversity, inclusion, and compassion are the foundation for providing youth with opportunities to grow and thrive, for assisting families and communities in their efforts to support young people, and for in turn, reducing delinquency and protecting public safety. This vision will be achieved by:

  • Leading collaborative efforts to prevent young people from entering the youth justice system and to develop effective community-based interventions for at-risk and court-involved youth.
  • Partnering with families and communities to provide youth with a continuum of rehabilitative services and learning opportunities that promote positive growth and development.
  • Assisting youth to achieve successful reentry back to their communities through a network of support services and personal skill development opportunities that strengthen their levels of self-sufficiency.
  • Empowering young people involved in the youth justice system to recognize and embrace the belief that positive change is achievable and helping them to realize that they have the power to determine their futures through their own actions and commitment to success.
  • Promoting practices that ensure all youth involved in the justice system are treated fairly and have equitable outcomes and experiences free from all forms of discrimination.




The JJC expects its employees to demonstrate integrity, to act with honesty and fairness, and to treat others with dignity and respect.


The JJC will, through collaboration, diligence, and commitment to achieving our vision, improve outcomes for youth, families, and communities.


The JJC encourages staff to lead by example and to motivate and inspire others as they work to have a positive impact on young people’s lives and encourages young people to develop leadership skills and to become positive role models among their peers and in their communities.


The JJC is committed to promoting efforts to achieve and embrace a cross-cultural and diverse workplace environment.


The JJC will foster an environment that welcomes the differences of others, ensures the equitable treatment of all, values people for who they are, and encourages the search for and expression of novel perspectives that help us to grow and improve decision-making.


The JJC believes we must act with compassion and empathy toward others; by taking care to understand the lived experiences and complex challenges faced by young people, we will promote the trusting relationships and connections that are critical to each youth’s long-term success.

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