Multiple Dwelling Reporting Rule (MDRR)

Stay Informed and Protected

Multiple Dwelling Reporting Rule (MDRR)

The Division on Civil Rights’s governing regulations require that the owner of every multiple apartment dwelling that has 25 units or more must file an annual report with DCR.  The rule requiring this annual report is called the Multiple Dwelling Reporting Rule or MDRR. The MDRR contains demographic information about applicants for housing, information about turnovers, rental rates and apartment size, and whether developments are barrier-free.

The filing of MDRR reports is mandatory. Any person who fails to comply with the requirements of the MDRR may be subject to the penalty provisions of the law.
The deadline for filing annual reports is January 30th. For more information, please see DCR’s MDRR forms below.

Contact Us About MDRR

Division on Civil Rights
140 East Front, 6th Floor
P.O. Box 089
Trenton, NJ 08625-0089

Phone: 609-376-3295

Filing the MDRR Report

To access the MDRR Online Filing Form, click here.

You may file your MDRR report using the unique PIN number contained in the annual notice DCR previously mailed to you to submit your information. If you cannot locate your PIN number, please call the MDRR Unit at (609) 376-3295 or e-mail for assistance.

If there has been a change in ownership or registered agent information, you can make that change directly on the filing portal.

If you own and/or manage any other apartment complexes in New Jersey with 25 units or more and you have not received a filing notice for that complex, please contact the Division on Civil Rights to register additional complexes. A separate report must be submitted for each complex of 25 units or more. If you have any questions, please call the MDRR Unit at (609) 984-3138 or e-mail

MDRR Change of Status Form

All properties subject to the Multiple Dwelling Reporting Rule must have an annual report filed. If the subject property has been sold, it is mandatory to submit the new owner’s name and address to the Division on Civil Rights. If you acquired a property in the past year, and the previous owner did not update the ownership status, you must download and complete an MDRR Change of Status Form.

MDRR Forms

  • Multiple Dwelling Report FAQ
    This FAQ contains answers to questions about and important instructions for completing the MDRR report online. Download and review this document before completing and submitting your report online.
  • Tenant / Application Inquiry Form
    The Division has developed a “Multiple Dwelling Reporting Rule Tenant/Applicant Inquiry Form” to assist landlords in collecting, recording, and retaining the information required by the Multiple Dwelling Reporting Rule. The form may be used as a tool to assist with completing the annual MDRR report. Please note that the use of this form is not a requirement. Landlords must maintain the information required by the MDRR for three years and keep it SEPARATE AND APART FROM RENTAL RECORDS.

MDRR Regulations

The Multiple Dwelling Reporting Rule can be found here.

  • Mandatory Online Filing
    N.J.A.C. 13:10-2.4, sets forth the requirements to which property owners subject to the Multiple Dwelling Reporting Rule must adhere, requires all owners to file the annual MDRR report online at the Division on Civil Rights’ (DCR) website: Parties subject to MDRR regulations may not file by mail or fax and must e-file on the DCR website.
  • Late Filing Fees
    Property owners who do not file their MDRR report online by February 14th of each calendar year will be subject to a $100.00 late filing fee. The late filing fee increases to $250.00 for all property owners who file after March 1st, and to $500.00 for all property owners who file after March 31st. Those property owners who file after April 30th are subject to a penalty in an amount designated by the Director of DCR. See N.J.A.C. 13:10-2.7.
  • Important Definitions in the MDRR Regulations
    13:10-1.1 – Words and phrases defined: “Barrier Free” means adequate and sufficient features which are available in buildings or structures so as to make them accessible to and usable by people with physical disabilities.” Racial/ethnic designation” means designation in one or more of the following classifications: 

    • Black or African American: a person having origins in any of the original peoples of Africa;
    • Hispanic or Latino: a person of Cuban, Mexican, Puerto Rican, South or Central American or other Spanish origin or culture, or a person having a Spanish surname;
    • Asian: a person having origins in any of the original peoples of the Far East, Southeast Asia, or the Indian subcontinent, including Cambodia, China, India, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Pakistan, the Philippine Islands, Thailand, and Vietnam;
    • American Indian or Alaska Native: a person having origins in any of the original peoples of North or South America;
    • Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander: a person having origins in any of the original peoples of Hawaii, Guam, Samoa, or other Pacific Islands;
    • White or Caucasian: a person having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, the Middles East, or North Africa.
  • Record Keeping Requirements
    • Filing of reports under N.J.A.C 13:10-2.4(b) – Covered entities must submit an MDRR report on January 30. Each annual report shall include information for January 1, through December 31 of the preceding year.
    • Maintenance of records under N.J.A.C. 13:10-2.5(b) – Records must be kept on file for a period of three years and must be produced for inspection during business hours upon DCR’s request.
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