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Division Investigations
DCR has two units that work to prevent, eliminate, and remedy individual and systemic discrimination and bias-based harassment through investigations and enforcement of the law: the Investigations Unit and the Affirmative Enforcement Unit.
DCR’s Investigations Unit investigates complaints of discrimination and bias-based harassment filed with DCR by members of the public. The Investigations Unit evaluates parties’ legal claims and defenses and assists the Director in deciding motions and in reaching ultimate findings in each case. It also handles conciliations and mediations to resolve complaints. To learn more about the Investigations Unit, please visit this page.
Overview of the Investigations Unit’s Process
Anyone who believes their rights under the LAD, NJFLA, or FCHA have been violated may file a complaint with DCR within 180 days of the incident. Click here to learn more about filing a complaint with DCR.
There are several steps in the life of a case at DCR:
Intake Filing
In order to file a complaint with DCR, you must first submit an intake form. You can submit the intake form:
• Online by creating an account and using the NJ Bias Investigation Access System (NJBIAS)
• By calling 1.833.NJDCR4U and asking a DCR receptionist to assist you in filling out the form on the NJ Bias Investigation Access System (NJBIAS)
To submit an intake form you will need the specific facts and any records about the incident, and copies of any documents that support your complaint. This may include:
• The names and contact information of the entity or people that you believe violated your rights under the LAD and/or FLA;
• The names and contact information of potential witnesses;
• Documents, text messages, or emails that support or relate to your allegations;
Accessibility for People with a Disability or Limited English Proficiency
DCR provides people with disabilities equal access to our services and information. If you need an accommodation for a disability in order to complete an intake form, or to otherwise use our services, call 1.833.NJDCR4U (833-653-2748) (voice), call the Relay Service at 711, or email
Accessibility for People with Limited English Proficiency
NJBIAS is available in English and Spanish. DCR also offers translation services for people with limited English proficiency who speak other languages. Call 1.833.NJDCR4U (833-653-2748) or email at to request assistance in your language.
Intake Interview
Complaint, Answer, and Position Statement
DCR will then serve the verified complaint on the party that you allege violated the law, known as the “Respondent.” The Respondent is required to respond to the allegations in the complaint by filing an Answer and Position Statement and providing DCR with any evidence that supports its position. You will be permitted to review the Respondent’s Answer and Position Statement.
It is important that you preserve all relevant evidence, including electronically stored evidence such as text and email messages, until your case has concluded.
Dispute Resolution
Finding of Probable Cause or No Probable Cause
If DCR determines there is sufficient evidence to support a reasonable suspicion that the law was violated in your case, it will issue a “Finding of Probable Cause.” Once DCR issues a Finding of Probable Cause, the case will go to conciliation, where the parties will have the opportunity to negotiate a voluntary resolution. If no voluntary resolution is reached, DCR will appoint a Deputy Attorney General to prosecute the case either in the Office of Administrative Law or in Court. While you are free to hire your own attorney, it is not necessary for you to do so.
If DCR determines there is not sufficient evidence to support a reasonable suspicion that the law was violated in your case, it will issue a “Finding of No Probable Cause.” A Finding of No Probable Cause is a final determination by DCR on the merits of your claim.
You may appeal a Finding of No Probable Cause with the Appellate Division, New Jersey’s intermediate court, within 45 days after you are served with a Finding of No Probable Cause. If you fail to file an appeal within 45 days, you will lose your right to have the Court review the Director’s determination. In addition, if DCR has issued a finding of no probable cause in your case, you may not file the same allegations in a new complaint Superior Court. Instead, you may only appeal DCR’s decision to the Appellate Division.
If DCR finds that a violation of the Law Against Discrimination or Family Leave Act occurred in your case, it can order the respondent to remedy the harm caused by its conduct. That may include the payment of money damages, including compensatory damages (lost wages and out of pocket expenses), damages for pain and humiliation, and attorneys’ fees. DCR can also order other make-whole relief, such as job reinstatement or granting you access to housing. It can also order equitable or affirmative relief to prevent discrimination or harassment from recurring, including requiring respondent to create new policies, procedures, or programs; hire new staff; undergo training; or take other affirmative measures.
Withdrawing Your Case from DCR
Although it is not a requirement, any party that appears before DCR may be represented by an attorney. Attorneys are required to file a Notice of Appearance with DCR.
Investigation Policies and Forms

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