DCR News

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DCR News

AG Platkin and Division on Civil Rights Announce Finding of Probable Cause Against Housing Provider for Discriminatory Minimum-Income Requirement

Attorney General Matthew J. Platkin and the Division on Civil Rights (DCR) announced that DCR has issued a Finding of Probable Cause against Highland Living LLC, the owner of an apartment complex in Highland Park, and its leasing agent for allegedly violating the New Jersey Law Against Discrimination (LAD) by imposing unlawful minimum-income requirements that discriminated against recipients of government assistance.

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AG Platkin and Division on Civil Rights Announce Enforcement Action Against Advance Funding Partners/Same Day Funding for Lending and Employment Discrimination

Attorney General Matthew J. Platkin and the Division on Civil Rights (DCR) announced today that DCR has issued a Finding of Probable Cause alleging that Advance Funding Partners/Same Day Funding (Advance Funding), a New Jersey business that provides cash advances and loans to borrowers, violated the New Jersey Law Against Discrimination (LAD) by engaging in unlawful lending discrimination and employment discrimination.

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Human Services, Office of the Attorney General & Motor Vehicle Commission Announce Efforts to Assist Law Enforcement when Interacting with Residents with Autism & Communication Disorders

Human Services Commissioner Sarah Adelman, Attorney General Matthew J. Platkin, and Acting Motor Vehicle Commission Chief Administrator Latrecia Littles-Floyd today announced new efforts underway to assist law enforcement officers to communicate effectively and avoid misunderstandings during encounters with individuals who have autism spectrum disorder (ASD) or a communication disorder.

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