- Spotify Playlist
- Anti Racist Statement
- Statement Cards
- DCR LAD Timeline Video
- Civil Rights Trailblazers Videos
Use the following format:
I am from County, I am a member of and civil rights means . I state to .
Please attach a photo and email your brief statement and photo to communityrelations@njcivilrights.gov. Do not forget to also email your Facebook and Twitter handle so we can tag you. We look forward to learning about what civil rights means to YOU and your statement!
Youth Bias Task Force
The winning designs will be announced on April 28th, during the 75th Anniversary of the LAD event. Winners’ designs will be used in a multimedia campaign to encourage residents to #StopTheHate in NJ and have the opportunity to participate in a roundtable discussion to share their experiences with hate, stereotyping, and bias, and what they think we should do better!
Please review the submissions below:

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