Division of Gaming Enforcement

Financial and Statistical Information

Financial and Statistical Information

DGE Announces February 2025
Press Release
[March 14, 2025]

DGE Announces 3rd Quarter 2024
Press Release and 3rd Quarter Results
[November 22, 2024]

DGE Announces Casino Revenue Fund Taxes and Fees Source Report

2025 DGE Filing and Press Release Dates
Monthly Gross Revenue Reports
Monthly Internet Gross Revenue Reports
Monthly Sports Wagering Revenue Reports
Monthly Press Releases & Statistical Summaries
Quarterly Financial Reports
Quarterly Press Releases & Statistical Summaries
Annual Slot and Table Game Data
Financial Forms and Instructions
Casino Revenue Fund Taxes and Fees Source Report
Summary of Gaming and Atlantic City Taxes and Fees

Monthly Gross Revenue Reports are issued in conjunction with the monthly press release four business days after receipt at 2:00 p.m.

Information contained on these reports include totals for:  average units; win; drop/handle; win percentage game and slot denomination; simulcasting revenue; simulcasting handle; authorized casino square footage and pgcs wagered.

Monthly Internet Gross Revenue Reportsare issued in conjunction with the monthly press release four business days after receipt at 2:00 p.m.

Information contained on these reports include: win by peer-to-peer games and other authorized games; calculation of Internet gaming tax and Web sites reported by the licensee/permit holder.

Monthly Sports Wagering Revenue Reports are issued in conjunction with the monthly press release four business days after receipt at 2:00 p.m.

Information contained on these reports include: monthly and year-to-date sports wagering win by casino, racetrack and internet; calculation of Sports Wagering tax and Web sites reported by casino, racetrack licensees and internet permit holders.

Monthly Press Releases & Statistical Summaries are accurate as of the date the information is initially posted to the website and are not updated each time an amendment is filed subsequently.

Quarterly Financial Reports are filed with the Division 45 days following the end of each of the first three quarters and 90 days after the end of the fourth quarter and generally are posted five business days after the filing in conjunction with the quarterly press release.

The Quarterly Financial Reports include:  balance sheets; statements of income (year to date and quarterly); statements of cash flow; statement of changes in equity accounts; promotional allowances and expenses and notes to the financial statements. The fourth quarter report includes the following additional information: annual statement of slot machine, table game & other games win, detail schedule of other games, schedule of receivables & patron’s checks; and annual employment & payroll report.

Quarterly Press Releases & Statistical Summaries are accurate as of the date the information is initially posted to the website and are not updated each time an amendment is filed subsequently.

Amendments to Previously Submitted Forms can occur after the filings are made to the Division of Gaming Enforcement and the statistical summary is posted with the press release. When an amendment is filed, it is reviewed and the superceded forms are replaced with the amended forms directly in the monthly and quarterly sections of this web site.  Please note that the statistical summaries issued with the press releases are accurate as of the date the information is posted and are not updated each time an amendment is filed subsequently. The statistical summaries issued with the press release may be obtained from the Monthly or Quarterly Press Releases & Statistical Summaries links above.  Accordingly, when doing any statistical research on the New Jersey Casino Industry using this web site, please make sure you have the most up to date information.

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