HRC Advisory Board
Yumiko Mishima, Chair
Reisa Sweet, Vice- Chair
Jahnbaz Almas
Pauline Bey
Ashton Burrell
Angeline Dean
Mahonrry Hidalgo
Terence Jones
Joe Mazza
Karen Positan
On September 28, 2000, the New Jersey Human Relations Council passed a resolution that established an Advisory Board to the New Jersey Human Relations Council. The text of the resolution is as follows:
There is hereby created an Advisory Board to the New Jersey Human Relations Council, the purpose of which is to offer advice and assistance to the Council in carrying out its mission. The Advisory Board shall meet at least three times per year, at sessions independent of other Council or Council committee meetings, at which time the members of the Advisory Board will discuss those activities, projects and goals that would best help the Council achieve its mission as established by law. In addition, the Advisory Board shall prepare an annual report of recommendations to be presented to the Council at its first meeting of every calendar year, excluding calendar year 2001.
Members of the Advisory Board are encouraged to attend Council and Council committee meetings, and to offer advice and assistance on issues that come before those bodies.
Members of the Advisory Board shall be selected by the Council to serve for a term of one year. At the end of the one-year term, Advisory Board members may continue to serve until replaced by majority vote of the Council.
For the purpose of conducting its business, the Advisory Board shall elect a chairperson, vice-chairperson and secretary.