Division of Criminal Justice

Division of Criminal Justice Highlights

Division of Criminal Justice Highlights

2023 Highlights

  • In 2023, ATTF employed an intelligence-driven strategy to combat auto theft. This resulted in the investigation and prosecution of some of the most prolific auto-theft crews across the State, resulting in more arrests, stronger detention arguments, and firm prosecutions at the State and County level. The Attorney General’s Office worked with partners in all levels of government, including the Governor and the Legislature to pass new legislation that strengthened penalties for auto-theft offenders and auto-trafficking networks. ATTF has been raising awareness of these new statutes and using them in investigations and prosecutions statewide. As a result, thefts of high-end motor vehicles are down over 20% this year.
  • The Attorney General issued Law Enforcement Directive 2023-1 which extended the retention period for unreported SAFE Kits to 20 years, brings New Jersey in line with federal standards and preserves survivors’ rights to move forward with the criminal-justice system if and when they are ready. A $2 million Sexual Assault Kit Initiative Grant was awarded to fund the creation of a SAFE Kit data-collection portal that will give survivors the ability to track the progress of their Kit through the criminal-justice process, putting New Jersey in line with federal standards and providing a more victim-centered law enforcement response to sexual violence.
  • DCJ continued its partnership in the Attorney General’s Gun Violence Reduction Task Force, a daily meeting that brings together the resources and intelligence of local, state and federal law enforcement agencies in New Jersey to focus on the small number of people responsible for a disproportionate share of gun violence in New Jersey.
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