The Department of Law & Public Safety is organized into various Divisions, Offices, and Commissions that cover a broad range of responsibilities. Each of these programs operate under the supervision of the Attorney General with the assistance of his Executive Leadership Team
Division of Administration
Chief Administrative Officer, Erin Zippel
The Division of Administration (DOA) serves as the foundation of resources and support for the Department of Law and Public Safety (LPS), ensuring seamless and efficient operations. With a wide range of responsibilities, DOA oversees budget operations, compliance, equal employment opportunity and ethics, constituent services, fiscal management, grant administration, human resources, information technology, and facilities management. DOA also contains a general counsel’s office that provides legal support to the division and LPS on administrative matters.
By diligently managing both day-to-day operations and long-term objectives, DOA plays a crucial role in achieving LPS goals and delivering high quality services to both staff and constituents.
Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control
Interim Director, Kirstin Krueger
Division on Civil Rights
Director, Sundeep Iyer
Division of Consumer Affairs
Director, Cari Fais
Division of Criminal Justice
Director, Theresa L. Hilton
The Division of Criminal Justice (DCJ) is responsible for investigating and prosecuting violations of New Jersey criminal laws. With a staff consisting of over 400 detectives, prosecutors, civil investigators, and professional support personnel, DCJ investigates criminal activity across the state, focusing on high-impact cases that require significant or highly specialized investigative resources.
Division of Gaming Enforcement
Interim Director, Mary Jo Flaherty
Division of Highway Traffic Safety
Director, Michael J. Rizol Jr.
Division of Law
Acting Director, Michael C. Walters
New Jersey State Police
Superintendent, Colonel Patrick Callahan
Division of Violence Intervention and Victim Assistance
Executive Director, Patricia Teffenhart
VIVA will advance a unified strategy for public safety by bringing together victim services, including victims of domestic violence and sexual assault, and the Department’s violence intervention and prevention programming. VIVA will centralize these services, under one roof and provide staffing to support these programs statewide.
Office of Alternative and Community Responses
Director, Tiffany Wilson
The Office of Alternative and Community Responses (OACR) is coordinating the Department of Law and Public Safety’s efforts to address how the Department and New Jersey’s law enforcement agencies respond to the country’s continued mental health and addiction crises.
Office of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
Chief Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Officer (CDEIO), Lora Fong
The Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (ODEI) promotes an inclusive and empowering environment within the Department of Law & Public Safety. ODEI fosters multi-cultural awareness and competency among our workforce and develops and delivers initiatives that highlight, value, and leverage the diverse backgrounds and perspectives of the employees of the department. By fostering a workplace culture and organizational approach that promotes equity and meaningful engagement, the Department is stronger and better able to serve the people of New Jersey.
Office of the Insurance Fraud Prosecutor
Interim Insurance Fraud Prosecutor, Al Garcia
Office of Justice Data
Chief Data Officer, Kristin Golden, PhD
Office of Law Enforcement Professional Standards
Director, Kevin Lutz
The Office of Law Enforcement Professional Standards (OLEPS) is responsible for ensuring that New Jersey law enforcement follows the best policing practices. OLEPS reviews the policies and trainings of the State Police to ensure they comply with state and federal laws. They also analyze data to identify disparities or changes in the enforcement actions, monitor the internal affairs practices, and provide the public with information on the performance of the State Police.
OLEPS is committed to ensuring that the residents of New Jersey are protected and served by law enforcement that upholds the highest standards of integrity, proficiency, and accountability.
Office of Public Integrity & Accountability
Executive Director, Drew Skinner
Statewide Affirmative Firearms Enforcement (SAFE) Office
Director, Ravi Ramanathan
The Statewide Affirmative Firearms Enforcement (SAFE) Office is a first-in-the-nation office with the mandate of bringing civil enforcement actions against firearm companies to hold them accountable for violations of the law that harm the health and safety of New Jersey residents. Specifically, SAFE is authorized to bring civil enforcement actions against gun industry members that knowingly or recklessly contribute to a public nuisance in New Jersey through unlawful or unreasonable conduct.
Office of Securities Fraud and Financial Crimes Prosecutions
Legal Chief, Pablo Quiñones
The Office of Securities Fraud and Financial Crimes Prosecutions (OSFFCP) focuses on pursuing major financial crimes, including securities fraud, and holding white collar criminals accountable for their wrongdoing. The Attorney General created this new office within the Division of Criminal Justice to enhance and expand the State’s existing efforts to prosecute financial crimes. The OSFFCP is specifically charged with investigating and prosecuting crimes that undermine the fairness and integrity of our financial systems, exploit investors, and prey on vulnerable individuals across the State of New Jersey and beyond.
Victims of Crime Compensation Office
Director, Mary Ellen Bonsper
Juvenile Justice Commission
Executive Director, Jennifer LeBaron, PhD
New Jersey Racing Commission
Acting Executive Director, Sara Ben-David
Commissioner, Larry Hazzard, Sr.
Advocacy Institute
Director, Margaret A. Cotoia