New Jersey Human Relations Council

NJ Human Relations Council – Council Members

NJ Human Relations Council – Council Members

HRC Officers

Chair: Ashton Burrell
Vice Chair: Yumiko Mishima
Secretary: Vacant
Treasurer: Karen Positan

Governor Appointments – Public Members

Joe D. Mazza, Ph.D.
Ashton S. Burrell
The Honorable Joseph R. Santagata
Kathy Esquiche

Assembly Appointments – Public Members

Emy Quispe of Elizabeth
Edmund DeVeaux of Franklin
Ronald L. Owens of South Plainfield

Senate Appointments – Public Members

Stephen Hobson
Anthony Cureton

County Human Relations Council – Public Members

Karen E. Positan
Yumiko Mishima
Angeline M. Dean
Tulsi R. Maharjan, Ph.D.
Paula C. Rodriguez Rust, Ph.D.
Joanne D. Reilly, MA, LPC
Mary R. McGowan

Ex-Offico Members

Attorney General, NJ Department of Law and Public Safety
Secretary of State, NJ Department of State
Commissioner of the Department of Education
Commissioner of the Department of Community Affairs
Commissioner of the Department of Corrections
Commissioner of the Department of Human Services
Public Defender, NJ Office of the Public Defender
Acting Administrative Director, Administrative Office of the Courts
Director, NJ Division of Criminal Justice
Superintendent, NJ Division of State Police
Director, NJ Division on Civil Rights
President of the County Prosecutors Association of NJ
President of the NJ State Association of Chiefs of Police
President of the Bias Crime Officers Association of NJ
County Superintendent of Schools
President of the NJ Principals and Supervisors Association
President of the NJ Education Association

Senate Representatives to the HRC

Senator Nellie Pou
Vacant Position

Assembly Representatives to the HRC

Assemblywoman Gabriela Mosquera, 4th Legislative District
Assemblywoman Aura K. Dunn, 25th Legislative District

Related Resources

Advisory Board Members