The New Jersey Attorney General has the unique authority to issue statewide policy directives that apply to the New Jersey’s 38,000 state, county, and local police officers and 1,000 state, county, and municipal prosecutors. To build trust and promote public safety, we can and must use this authority to promote the professionalism, accountability, and transparency that defines New Jersey’s best law enforcement agencies.
- “No-Knock” Warrants. Regulates the application of no-knock warrants in New Jersey to ensure they are used only when necessary to promote officer or civilian safety, and establishes approval and reporting requirements for the rare instances when no-knock warrants are used.
- Right to Record Police Activity. Ensures that the First Amendment’s bounds are as clear as possible—to both civilians and law enforcement alike—with respect to the right to observe, object to, and record police activity.
- Diversity in Law Enforcement Recruiting and Hiring. Provides guidance, per statute, to law enforcement agencies on working towards the goal of reflecting the diversity of the population of the community each agency is charged with protecting, and establishes officer demographic data collection requirements.