The NJ Division of Highway Traffic Safety offers, on an annual basis, federal grant funding to agencies that wish to undertake programs designed to reduce motor vehicle crashes, injuries, and fatalities on the roads of New Jersey. Municipal, county, state government and law enforcement agencies, as well as non-profit organizations, are encouraged to apply for NJDHTS grant funding to address specific, local traffic safety issues.
- FY25 Snow and Ice Removal Fund NOAF (1/11/24)
- FY25 Pedestrian Safety, Enforcement, and Education Fund Grant Program NOAF (1/11/24)
- FY25 State and Community Highway Safety Grant Project NOAF (1/11/24)
Note: Grant funding will only be awarded to programs that are in line with federal and state traffic safety priorities. Note: Qualifying nonprofit organizations are eligible to receive funding for certain non-enforcement programs approved by the Director of the Division of Highway Traffic Safety. Grant applications for Federal Fiscal Year 2025 commencing on October 1, 2024 will be accepted until April 30, 2024.
The Division awards full-year traffic safety grants according to the federal fiscal calendar (October 1-September 30). Grants of a shorter timeframe are also awarded to support statewide enforcement mobilizations (for example: Click It or Ticket, Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over and U Drive. U Text. U Pay)
Note: The deadline to submit a grant application for FY2025 (October 1, 2024 – September 30, 2025) is April 30, 2024.
The following document contains detailed information regarding DHTS grant funding, priority program areas, and instructions for applying for a grant.
All potential DHTS grantees are required to review this manual: NJDHTS HIGHWAY SAFETY PROJECT GRANT MANUAL (FY2025)

Drunk Driving Enforcement Fund (DDEF)
Under New Jersey State Statute 39:4-50.8, police departments are entitled to $95 of the $100 surcharge resulting from a drunk driving conviction in their community.
By law, at least 50% of the grant must be used for overtime patrols or checkpoints related to drunk driving enforcement. The remainder of the grant can be used to purchase limited equipment or other tasks related to drunk driving enforcement.
All expenditures and purchases must receive prior approval from the State DDEF Coordinator.
Questions and inquiries can be directed to
Motor Vehicle Snow and Ice Removal Safety Fund
The Motor Vehicle Snow and Ice Removal Safety Fund is a separate, non-lapsing, dedicated account. All fines imposed and collected as a result of enforcement of N.J.S.A. 39:4-77.1 shall be deposited into the Fund. Monies in the account are used to develop a grant program that private companies can use to purchase, install, and maintain equipment and technology to remove snow and ice from commercial motor vehicles.
Snow and Ice Removal Equipment Grant Application
Snow and Ice Removal Equipment Current Locations (6/12/24)