Division on Civil Rights Proposes ReAdoption of Rules on Multiple Dwelling Reporting, with Amendments

Proposal Summary:

The proposal would readopt, with amendments, the State’s existing rules concerning Multiple Dwelling Reports required of certain housing providers. The Division on Civil Rights promulgated the Multiple Dwelling Reports Rule (MDRR) in 1970 in order to Obtain annual data necessary to study patterns of housing occupancy, investigate practices of discrimination and affirmatively administer the New Jersey Law Against Discrimination (LAD). The MDRR requires the owners of multiple apartment developments – with 25 or more units – to retain certain records and file an annual report with the Division containing the racial/ethnic identity of apartment applicants and leaseholders, rental recruitment techniques and information on whether its rentals are barrier-free. The Division proposes to readopt the MDRR rules with certain amendments, including one that would allow the Director, for good cause shown, to waive all or part of a late filing fee imposed against a landlord under the rule.       

The proposed amendment flows from a review in which the Division determined there are occasionally circumstances that warrant relaxation of the MDRR’s strict penalty schedule. The proposed readoption with amendments appears in the April 17, 2017 edition of the New Jersey Register.

Summary of Proposal:

A summary of the proposed readoption with amendments is posted on the New Jersey Division on Civil Rights Web site at: www.nj.gov/oag/dcr/proposed_rules.html

Public Comment: Public comment on the proposal rules will be accepted until June 16, 2017. Please direct all comments to:

Estelle Bronstein, Deputy Executive Director
Department of Law and Public Safety
Division on Civil Rights
P.O. Box 089
Trenton, New Jersey 08625-0089

Or electronically at: Estelle.Bronstein@njcivilrights.gov

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