New Jersey
State Police
Acting Superintendent, Colonel Patrick Callahan
New Jersey State Police (NJSP) is the largest law enforcement agency in New Jersey, with nearly 2,800 enlisted and 1,250 civilian members. It has general law enforcement jurisdiction throughout the state, providing statewide enforcement of criminal, motor vehicle, marine, and alcohol beverage control laws and, on a contract basis, general police services on the New Jersey Turnpike, the Garden State Parkway, the Atlantic City Expressway, and eighty-nine municipalities across the state. In addition, NJSP’s Office of Emergency Management is the lead state agency responsible for the coordination and support of statewide emergency services involving natural and manmade disasters.
2018 Highlights
- In May 2018, Governor Murphy nominated Colonel Patrick Callahan to serve as NJSP Superintendent, a position he has held in an acting capacity since October 2017. The son of a former NJSP Major, Callahan enlisted in State Police in 1995 and served in several key roles for NJSP, including as the Deputy Superintendent of Operations and the Recovery Bureau Chief in the aftermath of Superstorm Sandy.
- Over the course of 2018, NJSP detectives seized more than 250 pounds of heroin across the state, equal to more than 5.5 million individual doses, and intercepted supplies of fentanyl with a street value of more than $11 million.
- The State Police Academy graduated 160 new troopers and trained 84 recruits for the Newark Police Department. The Academy also launched its “Citizens’ Academy” to educate community members about the day-to-day work of law enforcement.
- Over the course of 2018, NJSP detectives seized more than 250 pounds of heroin across the state, equal to more than 5.5 million individual doses, and intercepted supplies of fentanyl with a street value of more than $11 million.