Office of Securities Fraud and Financial Crimes Prosecutions

Office of Securities Fraud and Financial Crimes Prosecutions

Office of Securities Fraud and Financial Crimes Prosecutions

New Jersey Office of the Attorney General

The Office of Securities Fraud and Financial Crimes Prosecutions (OSFFCP) focuses on pursuing major financial crimes, including securities fraud, and holding white collar criminals accountable for their wrongdoing.  The Attorney General created this new office within the Division of Criminal Justice to enhance and expand the State’s existing efforts to prosecute financial crimes.  The OSFFCP is specifically charged with investigating and prosecuting crimes that undermine the fairness and integrity of our financial systems, exploit investors, and prey on vulnerable individuals across the State of New Jersey and beyond.

The OSFFCP primarily focuses on the most significant securities and financial crimes impacting individuals and companies that reside or do business in New Jersey – from corporate corruption and market manipulation to Ponzi schemes and investor scams.  The office will seek to ensure that those who commit financial crimes are held accountable and disgorged of their ill-gotten gains, while also seeking to recover funds for victims.

Among the financial crimes that the OSFFCP will investigate and prosecute include:

  • Securities, commodities, and investment fraud;
  • Investment advisor fraud,
  • Market manipulation;
  • Schemes to defraud or deceive;
  • Ponzi and pyramid schemes;
  • Commercial bribery and disloyalty;
  • Criminal antitrust violations;
  • Money laundering; and
  • Corporate and white-collar crimes, including those committed by corporate executives, officers, and board members.

In addition to having its own dedicated staff, as a component of the Division of Criminal Justice, the OSFFCP has the ability to obtain more resources when needed to accomplish its mission.

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